no |
bwv |
title |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
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10001 |
BWV0001 |
Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10002 |
BWV0002 |
Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10003 |
BWV0003 |
Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10004 |
BWV0004 |
Christ lag in Todes Banden |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10005 |
BWV0005 |
Wo soll ich fliehen hin |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10006 |
BWV0006 |
Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10007 |
BWV0007 |
Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10008 |
BWV0008 |
Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben? |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10009 |
BWV0009 |
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10010 |
BWV0010 |
Meine Seel erhebt den Herren |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10011 |
BWV0011 |
Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10012 |
BWV0012 |
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10013 |
BWV0013 |
Meine Seufzer, meine Tranen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10014 |
BWV0014 |
War Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10015 |
BWV0015 |
Denn Du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10016 |
BWV0016 |
Herr Gott, dich loben wir |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10017 |
BWV0017 |
Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10018 |
BWV0018 |
Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fallt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10019 |
BWV0019 |
Es erhub sich ein Streit |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10020 |
BWV0020 |
O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10021 |
BWV0021 |
Ich hatte viel Bekummernis |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10022 |
BWV0022 |
Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwolfe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10023 |
BWV0023 |
Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10024 |
BWV0024 |
Ein ungefarbt Gemute |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10025 |
BWV0025 |
Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10026 |
BWV0026 |
Ach wie fluchtig, ach wie nichtig |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10027 |
BWV0027 |
Wer weis, wie nahe mir mein Ende? |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10028 |
BWV0028 |
Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende, BWV 28 |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10029 |
BWV0029 |
Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10030 |
BWV0030 |
Freue dich, erloste Schar |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10031 |
BWV0030a |
Angenehmes Wiederau |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10032 |
BWV0031 |
Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10033 |
BWV0032 |
Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10034 |
BWV0033 |
Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10035 |
BWV0034 |
O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10036 |
BWV0035 |
Geist und Seele wird verwirret |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10037 |
BWV0036 |
Schwingt freudig euch empor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10038 |
BWV0036a |
Steigt freudig in die Luft |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10039 |
BWV0036b |
Die Freude reget sich |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10040 |
BWV0036c |
Schwingt freudig euch empor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10041 |
BWV0037 |
Wer da glaubet und getauft wird |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10042 |
BWV0038 |
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10043 |
BWV0039 |
Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10044 |
BWV0040 |
Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10045 |
BWV0041 |
Jesu, nun sei gepreiset |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10046 |
BWV0042 |
Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10047 |
BWV0043 |
Gott fahret auf mit Jauchzen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10048 |
BWV0044 |
Sie werden euch in den Bann tun |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10049 |
BWV0045 |
Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10050 |
BWV0046 |
Schauet doch und sehet, ob irgend ein Schmerz sei |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10051 |
BWV0047 |
Wer sich selbst erhohet, der soll erniedriget werden |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10052 |
BWV0048 |
Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erlosen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10053 |
BWV0049 |
Ich geh und suche mit Verlangen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10054 |
BWV0050 |
Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10055 |
BWV0051 |
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10056 |
BWV0052 |
Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10057 |
BWV0053 |
Schlage doch, gewunschte Stunde |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10058 |
BWV0054 |
Widerstehe doch der Sunde |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10059 |
BWV0055 |
Ich armer Mensch, ich Sundenknecht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10060 |
BWV0056 |
Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10061 |
BWV0057 |
Selig ist der Mann |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10062 |
BWV0058 |
Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10063 |
BWV0059 |
Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10064 |
BWV0060 |
O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10065 |
BWV0061 |
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10066 |
BWV0062 |
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10067 |
BWV0063 |
Christen, atzet diesen Tag |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10068 |
BWV0064 |
Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10069 |
BWV0065 |
Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10070 |
BWV0066 |
Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10071 |
BWV0066a |
Die Himmel dacht auf Anhalts Ruhm und Gluck |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10072 |
BWV0067 |
Halt im Gedachtnis Jesum Christ |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10073 |
BWV0068 |
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10074 |
BWV0069 |
Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10075 |
BWV0069a |
Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10076 |
BWV0070 |
Wachet! Betet! Betet! Wachet! |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10077 |
BWV0070a |
Wachet! Betet! Betet! Wachet! |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10078 |
BWV0071 |
Gott ist mein Konig |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10079 |
BWV0072 |
Alles nur nach Gottes Willen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10080 |
BWV0073 |
Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10081 |
BWV0074 |
Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10082 |
BWV0075 |
Die Elenden sollen essen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10083 |
BWV0076 |
Die Himmel erzahlen die Ehre Gottes |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10084 |
BWV0077 |
Du sollt Gott, deinen Herren, lieben |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10085 |
BWV0078 |
Jesu, der du meine Seele |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10086 |
BWV0079 |
Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10087 |
BWV0080 |
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10088 |
BWV0080b |
Alles, was von Gott geboren |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10089 |
BWV0081 |
Jesus schlaft, was soll ich hoffen? |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10090 |
BWV0082 |
Ich habe genug |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10091 |
BWV0083 |
Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10092 |
BWV0084 |
Ich bin vergnugt mit meinem Glucke |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10093 |
BWV0085 |
Ich bin ein guter Hirt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10094 |
BWV0086 |
Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10095 |
BWV0087 |
Bisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10096 |
BWV0088 |
Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10097 |
BWV0089 |
Was soll ich aus dir machen, Ephraim |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10098 |
BWV0090 |
Es reiset euch ein schrecklich Ende |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10099 |
BWV0091 |
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ: |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10100 |
BWV0092 |
Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10101 |
BWV0093 |
Wer nur den lieben Gott last walten |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10102 |
BWV0094 |
Was frag ich nach der Welt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10103 |
BWV0095 |
Christus, der ist mein Leben |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10104 |
BWV0096 |
Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10105 |
BWV0097 |
In allen meinen Taten |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10106 |
BWV0098 |
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10107 |
BWV0099 |
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10108 |
BWV0100 |
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10109 |
BWV0101 |
Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10110 |
BWV0102 |
Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10111 |
BWV0103 |
Ihr werdet weinen und heulen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10112 |
BWV0104 |
Du Hirte Israel, hore |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10113 |
BWV0105 |
Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10114 |
BWV0106 |
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10115 |
BWV0107 |
Was willst du dich betruben |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10116 |
BWV0108 |
Es ist euch gut, das ich hingehe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10117 |
BWV0109 |
Ich glaube, lieber Herr, hilf meinem Unglauben |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10118 |
BWV0110 |
Unser Mund sei voll Lachens |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10119 |
BWV0111 |
Was mein Gott will, das g’scheh allzeit |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10120 |
BWV0112 |
Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10121 |
BWV0113 |
Herr Jesu Christ, du hochstes Gut |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10122 |
BWV0114 |
Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10123 |
BWV0115 |
Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10124 |
BWV0116 |
Du Friedefurst, Herr Jesu Christ |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10125 |
BWV0117 |
Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10126 |
BWV0118 |
O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10127 |
BWV0119 |
Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10128 |
BWV0120 |
Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10129 |
BWV0120a |
Herr Gott, Beherrscher aller Dinge |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10130 |
BWV0120b |
Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10131 |
BWV0121 |
Christum wir sollen loben schon |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10132 |
BWV0122 |
Das neugeborne Kindelein |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
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10133 |
BWV0123 |
Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10134 |
BWV0124 |
Meinen Jesum las ich nicht |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10135 |
BWV0125 |
Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10136 |
BWV0126 |
Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10137 |
BWV0127 |
Herr Jesu Christ, wahr’ Mensch und Gott |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10138 |
BWV0128 |
Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10139 |
BWV0129 |
Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10140 |
BWV0130 |
Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10141 |
BWV0131 |
Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10142 |
BWV0132 |
Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10143 |
BWV0133 |
Ich freue mich in dir |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10144 |
BWV0134 |
Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weis |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10145 |
BWV0134a |
Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10146 |
BWV0135 |
Ach Herr, mich armen Sunder |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10147 |
BWV0136 |
Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10148 |
BWV0137 |
Lobe den Herren, den machtigen Konig der Ehren |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10149 |
BWV0138 |
Warum betrubst du dich, mein Herz |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10150 |
BWV0139 |
Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10151 |
BWV0140 |
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10152 |
BWV0141 |
Das ist je gewislich wahr |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10153 |
BWV0142 |
Uns ist ein Kind geboren |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10154 |
BWV0143 |
Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10155 |
BWV0144 |
Nimm, was dein ist, und gehe hin |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10156 |
BWV0145 |
Ich lebe, mein Herze, zu deinem Ergotzen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10157 |
BWV0146 |
Wir mussen durch viel Trubsal |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10158 |
BWV0147 |
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10159 |
BWV0147a |
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10160 |
BWV0148 |
Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10161 |
BWV0149 |
Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10162 |
BWV0150 |
Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10163 |
BWV0151 |
Suser Trost, mein Jesus kommt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10164 |
BWV0152 |
Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10165 |
BWV0153 |
Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10166 |
BWV0154 |
Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10167 |
BWV0155 |
Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange? |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10168 |
BWV0156 |
Ich steh mit einem Fus im Grabe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10169 |
BWV0157 |
Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10170 |
BWV0158 |
Der Friede sei mit dir |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10171 |
BWV0159 |
Sehet, wir gehn hinauf gen Jerusalem |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10172 |
BWV0160 |
Ich weis, das mein Erloser lebt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10173 |
BWV0161 |
Komm, du suse Todesstunde |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10174 |
BWV0162 |
Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10175 |
BWV0163 |
Nur jedem das Seine |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10176 |
BWV0164 |
Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10177 |
BWV0165 |
O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10178 |
BWV0166 |
Wo gehest du hin? |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10179 |
BWV0167 |
Ihr Menschen, ruhmet Gottes Liebe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10180 |
BWV0168 |
Tue Rechnung! Donnerwort |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10181 |
BWV0169 |
Gott soll allein mein Herze haben |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10182 |
BWV0170 |
Vergnugte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10183 |
BWV0171 |
Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10184 |
BWV0172 |
Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten! |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10185 |
BWV0173 |
Erhohtes Fleisch und Blut |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10186 |
BWV0173a |
Durchlauchster Leopold |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10187 |
BWV0174 |
Ich liebe den Hochsten von ganzem Gemute |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10188 |
BWV0175 |
BWV 175 Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10189 |
BWV0176 |
Es ist ein trotzig und verzagt Ding |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10190 |
BWV0177 |
Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10191 |
BWV0178 |
Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns halt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10192 |
BWV0179 |
Siehe zu, das deine Gottesfurcht nicht Heuchelei sei |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10193 |
BWV0180 |
Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10194 |
BWV0181 |
Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10195 |
BWV0182 |
Himmelskonig, sei willkommen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10196 |
BWV0183 |
Sie werden euch in den Bann tun |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10197 |
BWV0184 |
Erwunschtes Freudenlicht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10198 |
BWV0185 |
Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10199 |
BWV0186 |
Argre dich, o Seele, nicht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10200 |
BWV0186a |
Argre dich, o Seele, nicht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10201 |
BWV0187 |
Es wartet alles auf dich |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10202 |
BWV0188 |
Ich habe meine Zuversicht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10203 |
BWV0189 |
Meine Seele rumt und preist |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10204 |
BWV0190 |
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10205 |
BWV0191 |
Gloria in excelsis Deo |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10206 |
BWV0192 |
Nun danket alle Gott |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10207 |
BWV0193 |
Ihr Tore zu Zion |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10208 |
BWV0194 |
Hochsterwunschtes Freudenfest |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10209 |
BWV0195 |
Dem Gerechten mus das Licht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10210 |
BWV0196 |
Der Herr denket an uns |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10211 |
BWV0197 |
Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10212 |
BWV0197a |
Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10213 |
BWV0198 |
Las Furstin, las noch einen Strahl |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10214 |
BWV0199 |
Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10215 |
BWV0200 |
Bekennen will ich seinen Namen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10216 |
BWV0201 |
Geschwinde, ihr wirbelnden Winde |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10217 |
BWV0202 |
Weichet nur, betrubte Schatten |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10218 |
BWV0203 |
Amore traditore |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10219 |
BWV0204 |
Ich bin in mir vergnugt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10220 |
BWV0205 |
Zerreiset, zersprenget, zertrummert die Gruft |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10221 |
BWV0205a |
Blast Larmen, ihr Feinde! |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10222 |
BWV0206 |
Schleicht, spielende Wellen, und murmelt gelinde |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10223 |
BWV0207 |
Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10224 |
BWV0207a |
BWV 207a Auf, schmetternde Tone der muntern trompeten |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10225 |
BWV0208 |
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd! |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10226 |
BWV0209 |
Non sa che sia dolore |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10227 |
BWV0210 |
O holder Tag, erwunschte Zeit |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10228 |
BWV0210a |
O angenehme Melodei |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10229 |
BWV0211 |
Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10230 |
BWV0212 |
Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10231 |
BWV0213 |
Last uns sorgen, last uns wachen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10232 |
BWV0214 |
Tonet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, trompeten |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10233 |
BWV0215 |
Preise dein Glucke, gesegnetes Sachsen |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10234 |
BWV0216 |
Vergnugte Pleisen-Stadt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10235 |
BWV0216a |
Erwarte Pleisen-Stadt |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10236 |
BWV0217 |
Gedenke, Herr, wie es uns gehet (cantata) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10237 |
BWV0218 |
Gott der Hoffnung erfulle euch (cantata) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10238 |
BWV0219 |
Siehe, es hat uberwunden der Lowe?(cantata) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10239 |
BWV0220 |
Lobt ihn mit Herz und Munde (cantata) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10240 |
BWV0221 |
Wer sucht die Pracht, wer wunscht den Glanz (cantata) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10241 |
BWV0222 |
Mein Odem ist schwach (cantata) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10242 |
BWV0223 |
Meine Seele soll Gott loben (cantata) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10243 |
BWV0224 |
Reist euch los, bedrangte Sinnen (cantata) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10244 |
BWV0225 |
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10245 |
BWV0226 |
Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10246 |
BWV0227 |
Jesu, meine Freude |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10247 |
BWV0228 |
Furchte dich nicht |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10248 |
BWV0229 |
Komm, Jesu, komm |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10249 |
BWV0230 |
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10250 |
BWV0231 |
BWV 231 (renumbered to BWV28/2a, see above) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10251 |
BWV0232 |
BWV 232 Mass in B minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10252 |
BWV0233 |
Kyrie Gloria Mass in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10253 |
BWV0234 |
Kyrie Gloria Mass in A major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10254 |
BWV0235 |
Kyrie Gloria Mass in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10255 |
BWV0236 |
Kyrie Gloria Mass in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10256 |
BWV0237 |
Sanctus in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10257 |
BWV0238 |
Sanctus in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10258 |
BWV0239 |
Sanctus in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10259 |
BWV0240 |
Sanctus in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10260 |
BWV0241 |
Sanctus in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10261 |
BWV0242 |
Christe eleison in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10262 |
BWV0243 |
Magnificat in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10263 |
BWV0243a |
Magnificat in E_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10264 |
BWV0244 |
St Matthew Passion |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10265 |
BWV0245 |
St John Passion |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10266 |
BWV0246 |
St Luke Passion |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10267 |
BWV0247 |
St Mark Passion |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10268 |
BWV0248 |
Christmas Oratorio |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10269 |
BWV0249 |
Easter Oratorio |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10270 |
BWV0250 |
“Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan” (Three wedding chorales No. 1) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10271 |
BWV0251 |
“Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut” (Three wedding chorales No. 2) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10272 |
BWV0252 |
“Nun danket alle Gott” (Three wedding chorales No. 3) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10273 |
BWV0253 |
“Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10274 |
BWV0254 |
“Ach Gott, erhor mein Seufzen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10275 |
BWV0255 |
“Ach Gott und Herr” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10276 |
BWV0256 |
“Ach lieben Christen seid getrost” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10277 |
BWV0257 |
“War Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10278 |
BWV0258 |
“Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns halt” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10279 |
BWV0259 |
“Ach, was soll ich Sunder machen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10280 |
BWV0260 |
“Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10281 |
BWV0261 |
“Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10282 |
BWV0262 |
“Alle Menschen mussen sterben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10283 |
BWV0263 |
“Alles ist an Gottes Segen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10284 |
BWV0264 |
“Als der gutige Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10285 |
BWV0265 |
“Als Jesus Christus in der Nacht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10286 |
BWV0266 |
“Als vierzig Tag nach Ostern warn” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10287 |
BWV0267 |
“An Wasserflussen Babylon” (or) “Ein Lammlein geht und tragt die Schuld” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10288 |
BWV0268 |
“Auf, auf, mein Herz, und du mein ganzer Sinn” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10289 |
BWV0269 |
“Aus meines Herzens Grunde” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10290 |
BWV0270 |
“Befiehl du deine Wege” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10291 |
BWV0271 |
“Befiehl du deine Wege” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10292 |
BWV0272 |
“Befiehl du deine Wege” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10293 |
BWV0273 |
“Christ, der du bist der helle Tag” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10294 |
BWV0274 |
“Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10295 |
BWV0275 |
“Christ, du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeine” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10296 |
BWV0276 |
“Christ ist erstanden” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10297 |
BWV0277 |
“Christ lag in Todesbanden” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10298 |
BWV0278 |
“Christ lag in Todesbanden” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10299 |
BWV0279 |
“Christ lag in Todesbanden” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10300 |
BWV0280 |
“Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10301 |
BWV0281 |
“Christus, der ist mein Leben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10302 |
BWV0282 |
“Christus, der ist mein Leben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10303 |
BWV0283 |
“Christus, der uns selig macht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10304 |
BWV0284 |
“Christus ist erstanden, hat uberwunden” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10305 |
BWV0285 |
“Da der Herr Christ zu Tische sas” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10306 |
BWV0286 |
“Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist sehr freundlich” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10307 |
BWV0287 |
“Dank sei Gott in der Hohe” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10308 |
BWV0288 |
“Das alte Jahr vergangen ist” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10309 |
BWV0289 |
“Das alte Jahr vergangen ist” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10310 |
BWV0290 |
“Das walt Gott Vater und Gott Sohn” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10311 |
BWV0291 |
“Das walt mein Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10312 |
BWV0292 |
“Den Vater dort oben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10313 |
BWV0293 |
“Der du bist drei in Einigkeit” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10314 |
BWV0294 |
“Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10315 |
BWV0295 |
“Des Heilgen Geistes reiche Gnad” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10316 |
BWV0296 |
“Die Nacht ist kommen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10317 |
BWV0297 |
“Die Sonn hat sich mit ihrem Glanz gewendet” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10318 |
BWV0298 |
“Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10319 |
BWV0299 |
“Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10320 |
BWV0300 |
“Du groser Schmerzensmann” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10321 |
BWV0301 |
“Du, o schones Weltgebaude” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10322 |
BWV0302 |
“Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
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10323 |
BWV0303 |
“Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10324 |
BWV0304 |
“Eins ist not, ach Herr, dies Eine” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10325 |
BWV0305 |
“Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10326 |
BWV0306 |
“Erstanden ist der heilig Christ” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10327 |
BWV0307 |
“Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10328 |
BWV0308 |
“Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10329 |
BWV0309 |
“Es stehn vor Gottes Throne” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10330 |
BWV0310 |
“Es wird schier der letzte Tag herkommen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10331 |
BWV0311 |
“Es woll uns Gott gnadig sein” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10332 |
BWV0312 |
“Es woll uns Gott gnadig sein” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10333 |
BWV0313 |
“Fur Freuden lasst uns springen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10334 |
BWV0314 |
“Gelobt seist du, Jesu Christ” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10335 |
BWV0315 |
“Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10336 |
BWV0316 |
“Gott, der du selber bist das Licht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10337 |
BWV0317 |
“Gott der Vater wohn uns bei” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10338 |
BWV0318 |
“Gottes Sohn ist kommen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10339 |
BWV0319 |
“Gott hat das Evangelium” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10340 |
BWV0320 |
“Gott lebet noch” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10341 |
BWV0321 |
“Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zum Ende” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10342 |
BWV0322 |
“Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10343 |
BWV0323 |
“Gott sei uns gnadig und barmherzig” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10344 |
BWV0324 |
“Meine Seele erhebet den Herren” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10345 |
BWV0325 |
“Heilig, heilig” (or) “Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10346 |
BWV0326 |
“Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10347 |
BWV0327 |
“Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10348 |
BWV0328 |
“Herr Gott, dich loben wir” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10349 |
BWV0329 |
“Herr, ich denk an jene Zeit” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10350 |
BWV0330 |
“Herr, ich habe missgehandelt” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10351 |
BWV0331 |
“Herr, ich habe missgehandelt” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10352 |
BWV0332 |
“Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10353 |
BWV0333 |
“Herr Jesu Christ, du hast bereit'” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10354 |
BWV0334 |
“Herr Jesu Christ, ich schrei zu dir” (or) “Herr Jesu Christ, du hochstes Gut” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10355 |
BWV0335 |
“Herr Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht” (or) “O Jesu, du mein Brautigam” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10356 |
BWV0336 |
“Herr Jesu Christ, wahr’ Mensch und Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10357 |
BWV0337 |
“Herr, nun lass in Friede” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10358 |
BWV0338 |
“Herr, straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10359 |
BWV0339 |
“Wer in dem Schutz des Hochsten ist” (or) “Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10360 |
BWV0340 |
“Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10361 |
BWV0341 |
“Heut ist, o Mensch, ein groser Trauertag” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10362 |
BWV0342 |
“Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10363 |
BWV0343 |
“Hilf, Gott, dass mirs gelinge” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10364 |
BWV0344 |
“Hilf, Herr Jesu, lass gelingen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10365 |
BWV0345 |
“Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10366 |
BWV0346 |
“Ich dank dir, Gott, fur deine Wohltat” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10367 |
BWV0347 |
“Ich dank dir, lieber Herre” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10368 |
BWV0348 |
“Ich dank dir, lieber Herre” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10369 |
BWV0349 |
“Ich dank dir schon durch deinen Sohn” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10370 |
BWV0350 |
“Ich danke dir, Herr Gott, in deinem Throne” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10371 |
BWV0351 |
“Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10372 |
BWV0352 |
“Jesu, der du meine Seele” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10373 |
BWV0353 |
“Jesu, der du meine Seele” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10374 |
BWV0354 |
“Jesu, der du meine Seele” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10375 |
BWV0355 |
“Jesu, der du selbsten wohl” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10376 |
BWV0356 |
“Jesu, du mein liebstes Leben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10377 |
BWV0357 |
“Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10378 |
BWV0358 |
“Jesu, meine Freude” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10379 |
BWV0359 |
“Jesu, meiner Seelen Wonne” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10380 |
BWV0360 |
“Jesu, meiner Seelen Wonne” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10381 |
BWV0361 |
“Jesu, meines Herzens Freud” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10382 |
BWV0362 |
“Jesu, nun sei gepreiset” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10383 |
BWV0363 |
“Jesus Christus, unser Heiland” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10384 |
BWV0364 |
“Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod uberwand” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10385 |
BWV0365 |
“Jesus, meine Zuversicht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10386 |
BWV0366 |
“Ihr Gestirn, ihr hohlen Lufte” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10387 |
BWV0367 |
“In allen meinen Taten” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10388 |
BWV0368 |
“In dulci jubilo” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10389 |
BWV0369 |
“Keinen hat Gott verlassen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10390 |
BWV0370 |
“Komm, Gott Schopfer, Heiliger Geist” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10391 |
BWV0371 |
“Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10392 |
BWV0372 |
“Lass, o Herr, dein Ohr sich neigen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10393 |
BWV0373 |
“Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10394 |
BWV0374 |
“Lobet den Herren, denn er ist sehr freundlich” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10395 |
BWV0375 |
“Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10396 |
BWV0376 |
“Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10397 |
BWV0377 |
“Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Gut” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10398 |
BWV0378 |
“Mein Augen schlies ich jetzt in Gottes Namen zu” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10399 |
BWV0379 |
“Meinen Jesum las ich nicht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10400 |
BWV0380 |
“Meinen Jesum las ich nicht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10401 |
BWV0381 |
“Meines Lebens letzte Zeit” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10402 |
BWV0382 |
“Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10403 |
BWV0383 |
“Mitten wir im Leben sind” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10404 |
BWV0384 |
“Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10405 |
BWV0385 |
“Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10406 |
BWV0386 |
“Nun danket alle Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10407 |
BWV0387 |
“Nun freut euch, Gottes Kinder all” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10408 |
BWV0388 |
“Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10409 |
BWV0389 |
“Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10410 |
BWV0390 |
“Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10411 |
BWV0391 |
“Nun preiset alle Gottes Barmherzigkeit” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10412 |
BWV0392 |
“Nun ruhen alle Walder” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
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youtube |
10413 |
BWV0393 |
“O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10414 |
BWV0394 |
“O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10415 |
BWV0395 |
“O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10416 |
BWV0396 |
“Nun sich der Tag geendet hat” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10417 |
BWV0397 |
“O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10418 |
BWV0398 |
“O Gott, du frommer Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10419 |
BWV0399 |
“O Gott, du frommer Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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10420 |
BWV0400 |
“O Herzensangst” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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10421 |
BWV0401 |
“O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10422 |
BWV0402 |
“O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde gros” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10423 |
BWV0403 |
“O Mensch, schau Jesum Christum an” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10424 |
BWV0404 |
“O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10425 |
BWV0405 |
“O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10426 |
BWV0406 |
“O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10427 |
BWV0407 |
“O wir armen Sunder” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10428 |
BWV0408 |
“Schaut, ihr Sunder” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10429 |
BWV0409 |
“Seelenbrautigam” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10430 |
BWV0410 |
“Sei gegruset, Jesu gutig” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10431 |
BWV0411 |
“Singt dem Herrn ein neues Lied” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10432 |
BWV0412 |
“So gibst du nun, mein Jesu, gute Nacht” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10433 |
BWV0413 |
“Sollt ich meinem Gott nicht singen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10434 |
BWV0414 |
“Uns ist ein Kindlein heut geborn” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10435 |
BWV0415 |
“Valet will ich dir geben” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10436 |
BWV0416 |
“Vater unser im Himmelreich” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10437 |
BWV0417 |
“Von Gott will ich nicht lassen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10438 |
BWV0418 |
“Von Gott will ich nicht lassen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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youtube |
10439 |
BWV0419 |
“Helft mir Gotts Gute preisen” (or) “Von Gott will ich nicht lassen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10440 |
BWV0420 |
“Warum betrubst du dich, mein Herz” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10441 |
BWV0421 |
“Warum betrubst du dich, mein Herz” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10442 |
BWV0422 |
“Warum sollt ich mich denn gramen” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10443 |
BWV0423 |
“Was betrubst du dich, mein Herze” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10444 |
BWV0424 |
“Was bist du doch, o Seele, so betrubet” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10445 |
BWV0425 |
“Was willst du dich, o meine Seele, kranken” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10446 |
BWV0426 |
“Weltlich Ehr und zeitlich Gut” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10447 |
BWV0427 |
“Wenn ich in Angst und Not” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10448 |
BWV0428 |
“Wenn mein Stundlein vorhanden ist” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10449 |
BWV0429 |
“Wenn mein Stundlein vorhanden ist” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10450 |
BWV0430 |
“Wenn mein Stundlein verhanden ist” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10451 |
BWV0431 |
“Wenn wir in hochsten Noten sein” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10452 |
BWV0432 |
“Wenn wir in hochsten Noten sein” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10453 |
BWV0433 |
“Wer Gott vertraut, hat wohl gebaut” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10454 |
BWV0434 |
“Wer weis, wie nahe mir mein Ende” (or) “Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10455 |
BWV0435 |
“Wie bist du, Seele, in mir so gar betrubt” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10456 |
BWV0436 |
“Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10457 |
BWV0437 |
“Wir glauben all an einen Gott” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10458 |
BWV0438 |
“Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gunst” (four_part chorale) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10459 |
BWV0439 |
“Ach, dass nicht die letzte Stunde” (song/aria) |
wiki |
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youtube |
10460 |
BWV0440 |
“Auf, auf! die rechte Zeit ist hier” (song/aria) |
wiki |
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10461 |
BWV0441 |
“Auf! auf! mein Herz, mit Freuden” (song/aria) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
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10462 |
BWV0442 |
“Begluckter Stand getreuer Seelen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10463 |
BWV0443 |
“Beschrankt, ihr Weisen dieser Welt” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10464 |
BWV0444 |
“Brich entzwei, mein armes Herze” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10465 |
BWV0445 |
“Brunnquell aller Guter” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10466 |
BWV0446 |
“Der lieben Sonnen Licht und Pracht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10467 |
BWV0447 |
“Der Tag ist hin, die Sonne gehet nieder” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10468 |
BWV0448 |
“Der Tag mit seinem Lichte” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10469 |
BWV0449 |
“Dich bet’ ich an, mein hochster Gott” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10470 |
BWV0450 |
“Die bittre Leidenszeit beginnet abermal” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10471 |
BWV0451 |
“Die goldne Sonne, voll Freud’ und Wonne” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10472 |
BWV0452 |
“Dir, dir Jehovah, will ich singen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10473 |
BWV0453 |
“Eins ist Not! ach Herr, dies Eine” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10474 |
BWV0454 |
“Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10475 |
BWV0455 |
“Erwurgtes Lamm, das die verwahrten Siegel” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10476 |
BWV0456 |
“Es glanzet der Christen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10477 |
BWV0457 |
“Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10478 |
BWV0458 |
“Es ist vollbracht! vergiss ja nicht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10479 |
BWV0459 |
“Es kostet viel, ein Christ zu sein” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10480 |
BWV0460 |
“Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10481 |
BWV0461 |
“Gott lebet noch; Seele, was verzagst du doch?” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10482 |
BWV0462 |
“Gott, wie gros ist deine Gute” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10483 |
BWV0463 |
“Herr, nicht schicke deine Rache” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10484 |
BWV0464 |
“Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10485 |
BWV0465 |
“Ich freue mich in dir” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10486 |
BWV0466 |
“Ich halte treulich still und liebe” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10487 |
BWV0467 |
“Ich lass’ dich nicht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10488 |
BWV0468 |
“Ich liebe Jesum alle Stund'” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10489 |
BWV0469 |
“Ich steh’ an deiner Krippen hier” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10490 |
BWV0470 |
“Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10491 |
BWV0471 |
“Jesu, deine Liebeswunden” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10492 |
BWV0472 |
“Jesu, meines Glaubens Zier” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10493 |
BWV0473 |
“Jesu, meines Herzens Freud” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10494 |
BWV0474 |
“Jesus ist das schonste Licht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10495 |
BWV0475 |
“Jesus, unser Trost und Leben” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10496 |
BWV0476 |
“Ihr Gestirn’, ihr hohen Lufte” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10497 |
BWV0477 |
“Kein Stundlein geht dahin” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10498 |
BWV0478 |
“Komm, suser Tod, komm, selge Ruh” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
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youtube |
10499 |
BWV0479 |
“Kommt, Seelen, dieser Tag” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10500 |
BWV0480 |
“Kommt wieder aus der finstern Gruft” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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youtube |
10501 |
BWV0481 |
“Lasset uns mit Jesu ziehen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10502 |
BWV0482 |
“Liebes Herz, bedenke doch” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10503 |
BWV0483 |
“Liebster Gott, wann werd’ ich sterben?” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10504 |
BWV0484 |
“Liebster Herr Jesu! wo bleibest du so lange?” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10505 |
BWV0485 |
“Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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youtube |
10506 |
BWV0486 |
“Mein Jesu, dem die Seraphinen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10507 |
BWV0487 |
“Mein Jesu! was fur Seelenweh” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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youtube |
10508 |
BWV0488 |
“Meines Lebens letzte Zeit” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10509 |
BWV0489 |
“Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10510 |
BWV0490 |
“Nur mein Jesus ist mein Leben” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10511 |
BWV0491 |
“O du Liebe meiner Liebe” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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10512 |
BWV0492 |
“O finstre Nacht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10513 |
BWV0493 |
“O Jesulein sus, o Jesulein mild” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10514 |
BWV0494 |
“O liebe Seele, zieh’ die Sinnen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10515 |
BWV0495 |
“O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10516 |
BWV0496 |
“Seelen-Brautigam, Jesu, Gottes Lamm” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10517 |
BWV0497 |
“Seelenweide, meine Freude” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10518 |
BWV0498 |
“Selig, wer an Jesum denkt” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10519 |
BWV0499 |
“Sei gegruset, Jesu gutig” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10520 |
BWV0500 |
“So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10521 |
BWV0501 |
“So giebst du nun, mein Jesu, gute Nacht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10522 |
BWV0502 |
“So wunsch’ ich mir zu guter Letzt” (song/aria) |
wiki |
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google |
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youtube |
10523 |
BWV0503 |
“Steh’ ich bei meinem Gott” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10524 |
BWV0504 |
“Vergiss mein nicht, dass ich dein nicht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10525 |
BWV0505 |
“Vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht” (song/aria) |
wiki |
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10526 |
BWV0506 |
“Was bist du doch, o Seele, so betrubet” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10527 |
BWV0507 |
“Wo ist mein Schaflein, das ich liebe” (song/aria) |
wiki |
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10528 |
BWV0508 |
“Bist du bei mir”, after Gottfried Heinrich Stolzel (aria) |
wiki |
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10529 |
BWV0509 |
“Gedenke doch, mein Geist” (aria) |
wiki |
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10530 |
BWV0510 |
“Gib dich zufrieden” (chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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10531 |
BWV0511 |
“Gib dich zufrieden” (chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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10532 |
BWV0512 |
“Gib dich zufrieden” (chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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10533 |
BWV0513 |
“O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort” (chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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10534 |
BWV0514 |
“Schaffs mit mir, Gott” (chorale) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10535 |
BWV0515 |
“So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife” (aria) |
wiki |
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10536 |
BWV0516 |
“Warum betrubst du dich” (aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10537 |
BWV0517 |
“Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seelen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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youtube |
10538 |
BWV0518 |
“Willst du dein Herz mir schenken” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10539 |
BWV0519 |
“Hier lieg ich nun” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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10540 |
BWV0520 |
“Das walt’ mein Gott” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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10541 |
BWV0521 |
“Gott mein Herz dir Dank” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10542 |
BWV0522 |
“Meine Seele, lass es gehen” (song/aria) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10543 |
BWV0523 |
“Ich gnuge mich an meinem Stande” (song/aria) |
wiki |
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10544 |
BWV0524 |
Wedding Quodlibet (fragment) |
wiki |
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10545 |
BWV0525 |
Organ Sonata No.1 in E_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10546 |
BWV0526 |
Organ Sonata No.2 in C minor |
wiki |
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10547 |
BWV0527 |
Organ Sonata No.3 in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10548 |
BWV0528 |
Organ Sonata No.4 in E minor |
wiki |
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10549 |
BWV0529 |
Organ Sonata No.5 in C major |
wiki |
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10550 |
BWV0530 |
Organ Sonata No.6 in G major |
wiki |
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10551 |
BWV0531 |
Prelude and Fugue in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10552 |
BWV0532 |
BWV 532 Prelude and Fugue in D major |
wiki |
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10553 |
BWV0533 |
Prelude and Fugue in E minor |
wiki |
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10554 |
BWV0534 |
Prelude and Fugue in F minor |
wiki |
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10555 |
BWV0535 |
Prelude and Fugue in G minor |
wiki |
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10556 |
BWV0536 |
Prelude and Fugue in A major |
wiki |
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10557 |
BWV0537 |
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10558 |
BWV0538 |
Toccata and Fugue in D minor (“Dorian”) |
wiki |
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10559 |
BWV0539 |
Prelude and Fugue in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10560 |
BWV0540 |
Toccata and Fugue in F major |
wiki |
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10561 |
BWV0541 |
Prelude and Fugue in G major |
wiki |
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10562 |
BWV0542 |
Fantasia and Fugue in G minor (“Great”) |
wiki |
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10563 |
BWV0543 |
Prelude and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
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10564 |
BWV0544 |
Prelude and Fugue in B minor |
wiki |
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10565 |
BWV0545 |
Prelude and Fugue in C major |
wiki |
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10566 |
BWV0546 |
Prelude and Fugue in C minor |
wiki |
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10567 |
BWV0547 |
Prelude and Fugue in C major (“9/8”) |
wiki |
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10568 |
BWV0548 |
Prelude and Fugue in E minor (“Wedge”) |
wiki |
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10569 |
BWV0549 |
Prelude and Fugue in C minor |
wiki |
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10570 |
BWV0550 |
Prelude and Fugue in G major |
wiki |
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10571 |
BWV0551 |
Prelude and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
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10572 |
BWV0552 |
Prelude and Fugue in E_Flat major (“St. Anne”) |
wiki |
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10573 |
BWV0553 |
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues No.1: Prelude and Fugue in C major |
wiki |
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youtube |
10574 |
BWV0554 |
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues No.2: Prelude and Fugue in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10575 |
BWV0555 |
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues No.3: Prelude and Fugue in E minor |
wiki |
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10576 |
BWV0556 |
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues No.4: Prelude and Fugue in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10577 |
BWV0557 |
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues No.5: Prelude and Fugue in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10578 |
BWV0558 |
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues No.6: Prelude and Fugue in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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youtube |
10579 |
BWV0559 |
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues No.7: Prelude and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
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10580 |
BWV0560 |
Eight Short Preludes and Fugues No.8: Prelude and Fugue in B_Flat major |
wiki |
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google |
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youtube |
10581 |
BWV0561 |
Fantasia and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
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10582 |
BWV0562 |
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor (fugue unfinished) |
wiki |
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10583 |
BWV0563 |
Fantasia (and Imitatio) in B minor |
wiki |
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10584 |
BWV0564 |
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major |
wiki |
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10585 |
BWV0565 |
Toccata and Fugue in D minor |
wiki |
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10586 |
BWV0566 |
Toccata and Fugue in E major (earliest extant manuscripts present this work in C major) |
wiki |
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10587 |
BWV0567 |
Prelude in C major |
wiki |
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10588 |
BWV0568 |
Prelude in G major |
wiki |
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10589 |
BWV0569 |
Prelude in A minor |
wiki |
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10590 |
BWV0570 |
Fantasia in C major |
wiki |
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10591 |
BWV0571 |
Fantasia (Concerto) in G major |
wiki |
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10592 |
BWV0572 |
Fantasia in G major (Piece d’Orgue) |
wiki |
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10593 |
BWV0573 |
Fantasia in C major (incomplete) |
wiki |
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10594 |
BWV0574 |
Fugue in C minor (on a theme of Legrenzi) |
wiki |
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10595 |
BWV0575 |
Fugue in C minor |
wiki |
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10596 |
BWV0576 |
Fugue in G major |
wiki |
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10597 |
BWV0577 |
Fugue in G major (“a la Gigue”) |
wiki |
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10598 |
BWV0578 |
Fugue in G minor (“Little”) |
wiki |
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10599 |
BWV0579 |
Fugue in B minor (on a theme from Arcangelo Corelli’s Op.3, No.4) |
wiki |
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10600 |
BWV0580 |
Fugue in D major |
wiki |
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10601 |
BWV0581 |
Fugue in G major |
wiki |
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10602 |
BWV0582 |
Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor |
wiki |
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10603 |
BWV0583 |
Trio in D minor |
wiki |
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10604 |
BWV0584 |
Trio in G minor (variant of BWV 166/2) |
wiki |
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10605 |
BWV0585 |
Trio in C minor (after Johann Friedrich Fasch) |
wiki |
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10606 |
BWV0586 |
Trio in G major |
wiki |
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10607 |
BWV0587 |
Aria in F major (after Francois Couperin) |
wiki |
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10608 |
BWV0588 |
Canzona in D minor |
wiki |
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10609 |
BWV0589 |
Alla breve in D major |
wiki |
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10610 |
BWV0590 |
Pastorella in F major |
wiki |
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10611 |
BWV0591 |
Little Harmonic Labyrinth |
wiki |
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10612 |
BWV0592 |
Concerto in G major, after Violin Concerto a8 in G major by Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar |
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10613 |
BWV0593 |
Concerto in A minor, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Concerto in A minor for two violins and strings,Op.3 No.8 (RV522) |
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10614 |
BWV0594 |
Concerto in C major, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Grosso Mogul Violin Concerto in D major, RV208 |
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10615 |
BWV0595 |
Concerto in C major (arrangement for organ of the first movement of BWV 984) |
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10616 |
BWV0596 |
Concerto in D minor, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Concerto in D minor for two violins, cello and strings, Op.3 No.11 (RV?565) |
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10617 |
BWV0597 |
Concerto in E_Flat major |
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10618 |
BWV0598 |
Pedal Exercise in G minor[46] |
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10619 |
BWV0599 |
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland(chorale prelude No.1 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10620 |
BWV0600 |
Gott, durch deine Gute(or)Gottes Sohn ist kommen(chorale prelude No.2 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10621 |
BWV0601 |
Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn (or) Herr Gott, nun sei gepreiset(chorale prelude No.3 from Orgelbuchlein; also in the Neumeister Collection) |
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10622 |
BWV0602 |
Lob sei dem allmachtigen Gott (chorale prelude No.4 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10623 |
BWV0603 |
Puer natus in Bethlehem(chorale prelude No.5 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10624 |
BWV0604 |
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ(chorale prelude No.6 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10625 |
BWV0605 |
Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich(chorale prelude No.7 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10626 |
BWV0606 |
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her(chorale prelude No.8 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10627 |
BWV0607 |
Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar(chorale prelude No.9 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10628 |
BWV0608 |
In dulci jubilo(chorale prelude No.10 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10629 |
BWV0609 |
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich(chorale prelude No.11 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10630 |
BWV0610 |
Jesu, meine Freude(chorale prelude No.12 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10631 |
BWV0611 |
Christum wir sollen loben schon(chorale prelude No.13 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10632 |
BWV0612 |
Wir Christenleut’ (chorale prelude No.14 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10633 |
BWV0613 |
Helft mir Gottes Gute preisen (chorale prelude No.15 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10634 |
BWV0614 |
Das alte Jahr vergangen ist (chorale prelude No.16 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10635 |
BWV0615 |
In dir ist Freude (chorale prelude No.17 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10636 |
BWV0616 |
Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin (chorale prelude No.18 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10637 |
BWV0617 |
Herr Gott, nun schleus den Himmel auf (chorale prelude No.19 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10638 |
BWV0618 |
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (chorale prelude No.20 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10639 |
BWV0619 |
Christe, du Lamm Gottes (chorale prelude No.21 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10640 |
BWV0620 |
Christus, der uns selig macht (chorale prelude No.22 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10641 |
BWV0621 |
Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund (chorale prelude No.23 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10642 |
BWV0622 |
O Mensch, bewein dein Sunde gros (chorale prelude No.24 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10643 |
BWV0623 |
Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ (chorale prelude No.25 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10644 |
BWV0624 |
Hilf Gott, das mir’s gelinge (chorale prelude No.26 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10645 |
BWV0625 |
Christ lag in Todesbanden (chorale prelude No.27 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10646 |
BWV0626 |
Jesus Christus, unser Heiland (chorale prelude No.28 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10647 |
BWV0627 |
Christ ist erstanden (chorale prelude No.29 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10648 |
BWV0628 |
Erstanden ist der heil’ge Christ (chorale prelude No.30 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10649 |
BWV0629 |
Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag (chorale prelude No.31 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10650 |
BWV0630 |
Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn (chorale prelude No.32 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10651 |
BWV0631 |
Komm, Gott Schopfer, Heiliger Geist (chorale prelude No.33 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10652 |
BWV0632 |
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (chorale prelude No.34 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10653 |
BWV0633 |
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (chorale prelude No.36 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10654 |
BWV0634 |
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (chorale prelude No.35 from Orgelbuchlein, earlier version of BWV633) |
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10655 |
BWV0635 |
Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot’ (chorale prelude No.37 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10656 |
BWV0636 |
Vater unser im Himmelreich (chorale prelude No.?38 from Orgelbuchlein) |
wiki |
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10657 |
BWV0637 |
Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt (chorale prelude No.39 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10658 |
BWV0638 |
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (chorale prelude No.40 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10659 |
BWV0639 |
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (earlier version of BWV638) |
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10660 |
BWV0640 |
Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (chorale prelude No.41 from Orgelbuchlein; also in the Neumeister Collection) |
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10661 |
BWV0641 |
In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr (chorale prelude No.42 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10662 |
BWV0642 |
Wenn wir in hochsten Noten sein (chorale prelude No.43 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10663 |
BWV0643 |
Wer nur den lieben Gott last walten (chorale prelude No.44 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10664 |
BWV0644 |
Alle Menschen mussen sterben (chorale prelude No.45 from Orgelbuchlein) |
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10665 |
BWV0645 |
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (Schubler ChoralesNo.1) |
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10666 |
BWV0646 |
Wo soll ich fliehen hin (or) Auf meinen lieben Gott (Schubler Chorales No.?2) |
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10667 |
BWV0647 |
Wer nur den lieben Gott last walten (Schubler ChoralesNo.3) |
wiki |
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10668 |
BWV0648 |
Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (Schubler ChoralesNo.4) |
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10669 |
BWV0649 |
Ach, bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ (Schubler ChoralesNo.5) |
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10670 |
BWV0650 |
Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter (Schubler Chorales No.6) |
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10671 |
BWV0651 |
Fantasia super “Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott” (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.1) |
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10672 |
BWV0652 |
Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.2) |
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10673 |
BWV0653 |
An Wasserflussen Babylon (Great Eighteen Chorale PreludesNo.3) |
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10674 |
BWV0654 |
Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.4) |
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10675 |
BWV0655 |
Trio super “Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend'” (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.?5) |
wiki |
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10676 |
BWV0656 |
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No6) |
wiki |
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10677 |
BWV0657 |
Nun danket alle Gott (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.7) |
wiki |
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10678 |
BWV0658 |
Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (Great Eighteen Chorale PreludesNo.8) |
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10679 |
BWV0659 |
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.9) |
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10680 |
BWV0660 |
Trio super “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland” (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.10) |
wiki |
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10681 |
BWV0661 |
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.11) |
wiki |
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10682 |
BWV0662 |
Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr’ (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.12) |
wiki |
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10683 |
BWV0663 |
Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr’ (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.13) |
wiki |
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amazon |
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10684 |
BWV0664 |
Trio super “Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr'” (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.14) |
wiki |
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10685 |
BWV0665 |
Jesus Christus, unser Heiland (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.15) |
wiki |
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youtube |
10686 |
BWV0666 |
Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, alio modo (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.16) |
wiki |
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10687 |
BWV0667 |
Komm, Gott Schopfer, heiliger Geist (Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.17) |
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10688 |
BWV0668 |
Vor deinen Thron tret’ ich (fragment;Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes No.18) |
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10689 |
BWV0669 |
Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit (chorale prelude: large version, i.e. with pedal) |
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10690 |
BWV0670 |
Christe, aller Welt Trost (chorale prelude: large version) |
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10691 |
BWV0671 |
Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist (chorale prelude: large version) |
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10692 |
BWV0672 |
Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit (chorale prelude: small version, i.e. for single keyboard) |
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10693 |
BWV0673 |
Christe, aller Welt Trost (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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10694 |
BWV0674 |
Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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10695 |
BWV0675 |
Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr’ (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
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google |
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youtube |
10696 |
BWV0676 |
Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr’ (chorale prelude: large version) |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10697 |
BWV0677 |
Fughetta super “Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr'” (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
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10698 |
BWV0678 |
Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot’ (chorale prelude: large version) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10699 |
BWV0679 |
Fughetta super “Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot'” (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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10700 |
BWV0680 |
Wir glauben all an einen Gott (chorale prelude: large version) |
wiki |
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10701 |
BWV0681 |
Fughetta super “Wir glauben all an einen Gott” (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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10702 |
BWV0682 |
Vater unser im Himmelreich (chorale prelude: large version) |
wiki |
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10703 |
BWV0683 |
Vater unser im Himmelreich (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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10704 |
BWV0684 |
Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (chorale prelude: large version) |
wiki |
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10705 |
BWV0685 |
Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam alio modo (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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10706 |
BWV0686 |
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (chorale prelude: large version) |
wiki |
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10707 |
BWV0687 |
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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10708 |
BWV0688 |
Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der von uns den Zorn Gottes wandt (chorale prelude: large version) |
wiki |
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10709 |
BWV0689 |
Fuga super “Jesus Christus, unser Heiland” (chorale prelude: small version) |
wiki |
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10710 |
BWV0690 |
Wer nur den lieben Gott last walten? (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10711 |
BWV0691 |
Wer nur den lieben Gott last walten? (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10712 |
BWV0692 |
Wer nur den lieben Gott last walten? (variant of BWV?691) |
wiki |
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10713 |
BWV0693 |
Ach, Gott und Herr (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10714 |
BWV0694 |
Wo soll ich fliehen hin? (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10715 |
BWV0695 |
Fantasia super “Christ lag in Todesbanden” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10716 |
BWV0696 |
Fughetta super “Christum wir sollen loben schon” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10717 |
BWV0697 |
Fughetta super “Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10718 |
BWV0698 |
Fughetta super “Herr Christ, der ein’ge Gottes-Sohn” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10719 |
BWV0699 |
Fughetta super “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10720 |
BWV0700 |
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10721 |
BWV0701 |
Fughetta super “Vom Himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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amazon |
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10722 |
BWV0702 |
Fughetta super “Das Jesulein soll doch mein Trost” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10723 |
BWV0703 |
Fughetta super “Gottes-Sohn ist kommen” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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amazon |
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10724 |
BWV0704 |
Fughetta super “Lob sei dem allmachtigen Gott” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10725 |
BWV0705 |
Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10726 |
BWV0706 |
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (two versions; chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10727 |
BWV0707 |
Ich hab’ mein’ Sach’ Gott heimgestellt (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10728 |
BWV0708 |
Ich hab’ mein’ Sach’ Gott heimgestelltalio modo (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10729 |
BWV0708a |
Ich hab’ mein’ Sach’ Gott heimgestellt(variant of BWV708) |
wiki |
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10730 |
BWV0709 |
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend’ (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10731 |
BWV0710 |
Wir Christenleut’ (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10732 |
BWV0711 |
Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr’(bicinium; chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10733 |
BWV0712 |
In dich hab’ ich gehoffet (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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10734 |
BWV0713 |
Fantasia super “Jesu, meine Freude” (chorale prelude from the Kirnberger collection) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10735 |
BWV0714 |
Ach Gott und Herr (chorale prelude; also in the Neumeister Collection) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10736 |
BWV0715 |
Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
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10737 |
BWV0716 |
Fuga super “Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr” (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
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text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10738 |
BWV0717 |
Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr’ (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
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youtube |
10739 |
BWV0718 |
Christ lag in Todesbanden (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
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10740 |
BWV0719 |
Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich (chorale prelude; also in the Neumeister Collection) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10741 |
BWV0720 |
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10742 |
BWV0721 |
Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10743 |
BWV0722 |
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10744 |
BWV0723 |
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10745 |
BWV0724 |
Gott, durch deine Gute (or) Gottes Sohn ist kommen (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10746 |
BWV0725 |
Herr Gott, dich loben wir (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10747 |
BWV0726 |
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10748 |
BWV0727 |
Herzlich tut mich verlangen (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10749 |
BWV0728 |
Jesus, meine Zuversicht (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10750 |
BWV0729 |
In dulci jubilo (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10751 |
BWV0730 |
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10752 |
BWV0731 |
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10753 |
BWV0732 |
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10754 |
BWV0733 |
Fuga sopra il Magnificat (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10755 |
BWV0734 |
Nun freut euch, lieben Christen (or) Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10756 |
BWV0735 |
Valet will ich dir geben (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10757 |
BWV0736 |
Valet will ich dir geben (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10758 |
BWV0737 |
Vater unser im Himmelreich (chorale prelude; also in the Neumeister Collection) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10759 |
BWV0738 |
Von Himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10760 |
BWV0739 |
Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10761 |
BWV0740 |
Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott, Vater (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10762 |
BWV0741 |
Ach Gott, von Himmel sieh’ darein (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10763 |
BWV0742 |
Ach Herr, mich armen Sunder (chorale prelude; also in the Neumeister Collection) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10764 |
BWV0749 |
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend’ (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10765 |
BWV0751 |
In dulci jubilo (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10766 |
BWV0752 |
Jesu, der du meine Seele (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
youtube |
10767 |
BWV0753 |
Jesu, meine Freude (chorale prelude; fragment) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10768 |
BWV0754 |
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10769 |
BWV0758 |
O Vater, allmachtiger Gott (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10770 |
BWV0759 |
Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10771 |
BWV0760 |
Vater unser im Himmelreich (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10772 |
BWV0761 |
Vater unser im Himmelreich (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10773 |
BWV0762 |
Vater unser im Himmelreich (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10774 |
BWV0763 |
Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10775 |
BWV0764 |
Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern (chorale prelude; fragment) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10776 |
BWV0765 |
Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott (chorale prelude) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10777 |
BWV0766 |
Christ, der du bist der helle Tag (chorale partita) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10778 |
BWV0767 |
O Gott, du frommer Gott (chorale partita) |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10779 |
BWV0768 |
Sei gegrusset, Jesu gutig (chorale partita) |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10780 |
BWV0769 |
Canonic Variations on “Vom Himmel hoch da komm’ ich her” (as published by the composer) |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
youtube |
10781 |
BWV0770 |
Ach, was soll ich Sunder machen (chorale variations) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10782 |
BWV0771 |
Allein Gott in der Hoh’ sei Ehr’ (chorale variations) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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youtube |
10783 |
BWV0772 |
Two_part Invention No. 1 in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10784 |
BWV0773 |
Two_part Invention No. 2 in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10785 |
BWV0774 |
Two_part Invention No. 3 in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10786 |
BWV0775 |
Two_part Invention No. 4 in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10787 |
BWV0776 |
Two_part Invention No. 5 in E_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10788 |
BWV0777 |
Two_part Invention No. 6 in E major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10789 |
BWV0778 |
Two_part Invention No. 7 in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10790 |
BWV0779 |
Two_part Invention No. 8 in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10791 |
BWV0780 |
Two_part Invention No. 9 in F minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10792 |
BWV0781 |
Two_part Invention No. 10 in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10793 |
BWV0782 |
Two_part Invention No. 11 in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10794 |
BWV0783 |
Two_part Invention No. 12 in A major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10795 |
BWV0784 |
Two_part Invention No. 13 in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10796 |
BWV0785 |
Two_part Invention No. 14 in B_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10797 |
BWV0786 |
Two_part Invention No. 15 in B minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10798 |
BWV0787 |
Sinfonia?No. 1 in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10799 |
BWV0788 |
Sinfonia No. 2 in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10800 |
BWV0789 |
Sinfonia No. 3 in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10801 |
BWV0790 |
Sinfonia No. 4 in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10802 |
BWV0791 |
Sinfonia No. 5 in E_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10803 |
BWV0792 |
Sinfonia No. 6 in E major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10804 |
BWV0793 |
Sinfonia No. 7 in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10805 |
BWV0794 |
Sinfonia No. 8 in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10806 |
BWV0795 |
Sinfonia No. 9 in F minor |
wiki |
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10807 |
BWV0796 |
Sinfonia No. 10 in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10808 |
BWV0797 |
Sinfonia No. 11 in G minor |
wiki |
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10809 |
BWV0798 |
Sinfonia No. 12 in A major |
wiki |
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10810 |
BWV0799 |
Sinfonia No. 13 in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10811 |
BWV0800 |
Sinfonia No. 14 in B_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10812 |
BWV0801 |
Sinfonia No. 15 in B minor |
wiki |
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10813 |
BWV0802 |
Duet in E minor |
wiki |
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10814 |
BWV0803 |
Duet in F major |
wiki |
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10815 |
BWV0804 |
Duet in G major |
wiki |
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10816 |
BWV0805 |
Duet in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10817 |
BWV0806 |
English Suite?No. 1 in A major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10818 |
BWV0807 |
English Suite?No. 2 in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10819 |
BWV0808 |
English Suite?No. 3 in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10820 |
BWV0809 |
English Suite?No. 4 in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10821 |
BWV0810 |
English Suite?No. 5 in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10822 |
BWV0811 |
English Suite?No. 6 in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10823 |
BWV0812 |
French Suite?No. 1 in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10824 |
BWV0813 |
French Suite?No. 2 in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10825 |
BWV0814 |
French Suite?No. 3 in B minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10826 |
BWV0815 |
French Suite?No. 4 in E_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10827 |
BWV0816 |
French Suite?No. 5 in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10828 |
BWV0817 |
French Suite?No. 6 in E major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10829 |
BWV0818 |
Suite in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10830 |
BWV0819 |
Suite in E_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10831 |
BWV0820 |
Overture (Suite) in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10832 |
BWV0821 |
Suite in B_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10833 |
BWV0822 |
Suite in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10834 |
BWV0823 |
Suite in F minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10835 |
BWV0824 |
Suite in A major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10836 |
BWV0825 |
Partita?No. 1 in B_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10837 |
BWV0826 |
Partita No. 2 in C minor |
wiki |
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10838 |
BWV0827 |
Partita No. 3 in A minor |
wiki |
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10839 |
BWV0828 |
Partita No. 4 in D major |
wiki |
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10840 |
BWV0829 |
Partita No. 5 in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10841 |
BWV0830 |
Partita No. 6 in E minor |
wiki |
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10842 |
BWV0831 |
Overture in the French Style, in B minor |
wiki |
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10843 |
BWV0832 |
Suite in A major |
wiki |
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10844 |
BWV0833 |
Prelude and Partita in F major |
wiki |
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10845 |
BWV0834 |
Allemande in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10846 |
BWV0835 |
Allemande in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10847 |
BWV0836 |
Allemande in G minor |
wiki |
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10848 |
BWV0838 |
Allemande and Courante in A major |
wiki |
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10849 |
BWV0839 |
Sarabande in G minor |
wiki |
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10850 |
BWV0840 |
Courante in G major |
wiki |
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10851 |
BWV0841 |
Minuet in G major |
wiki |
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10852 |
BWV0842 |
Minuet in G minor |
wiki |
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10853 |
BWV0843 |
Minuet in G major |
wiki |
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10854 |
BWV0844 |
Scherzo in D minor |
wiki |
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10855 |
BWV0845 |
Gigue in F minor |
wiki |
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10856 |
BWV0846 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10857 |
BWV0847 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 2 in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10858 |
BWV0848 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 3 in C_sharp major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10859 |
BWV0849 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 4 in C_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10860 |
BWV0850 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 5 in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10861 |
BWV0851 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 6 in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10862 |
BWV0852 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 7 in E_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10863 |
BWV0853 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 8 in E_Flat minor/D_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10864 |
BWV0854 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 9 in E major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10865 |
BWV0855 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 10 in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10866 |
BWV0856 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 11 in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10867 |
BWV0857 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 12 in F minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10868 |
BWV0858 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 13 in F_sharp major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10869 |
BWV0859 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 14 in F_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10870 |
BWV0860 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 15 in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10871 |
BWV0861 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 16 in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10872 |
BWV0862 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 17 in A_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10873 |
BWV0863 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 18 in G_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10874 |
BWV0864 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 19 in A major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10875 |
BWV0865 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 20 in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10876 |
BWV0866 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 21 in B_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10877 |
BWV0867 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 22 in B_Flat minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10878 |
BWV0868 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 23 in B major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10879 |
BWV0869 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1: Prelude and Fugue No. 24 in B minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10880 |
BWV0870 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10881 |
BWV0871 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 2 in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10882 |
BWV0872 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 3 in C_sharp major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10883 |
BWV0873 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 4 in C_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10884 |
BWV0874 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 5 in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10885 |
BWV0875 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 6 in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10886 |
BWV0876 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 7 in E_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10887 |
BWV0877 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 8 in D_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10888 |
BWV0878 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 9 in E major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10889 |
BWV0879 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 10 in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10890 |
BWV0880 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 11 in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10891 |
BWV0881 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 12 in F minor |
wiki |
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google |
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10892 |
BWV0882 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 13 in F_sharp major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10893 |
BWV0883 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 14 in F_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10894 |
BWV0884 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 15 in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10895 |
BWV0885 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 16 in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10896 |
BWV0886 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 17 in A_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10897 |
BWV0887 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 18 in G_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10898 |
BWV0888 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 19 in A major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10899 |
BWV0889 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 20 in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10900 |
BWV0890 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 21 in B_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10901 |
BWV0891 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 22 in B_Flat minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10902 |
BWV0892 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 23 in B major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10903 |
BWV0893 |
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2: Prelude and Fugue No. 24 in B minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10904 |
BWV0894 |
Prelude and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10905 |
BWV0895 |
Prelude and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10906 |
BWV0896 |
Prelude and Fugue in A major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10907 |
BWV0897 |
Prelude and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10908 |
BWV0898 |
Prelude and Fugue in B_Flat major on the name B-A-C-H |
wiki |
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10909 |
BWV0899 |
Prelude and Fughetta in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10910 |
BWV0900 |
Prelude and Fughetta in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10911 |
BWV0901 |
Prelude and Fughetta in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
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10912 |
BWV0902 |
Prelude and Fughetta in G major |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10913 |
BWV0903 |
Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
youtube |
10914 |
BWV0904 |
Fantasia and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10915 |
BWV0905 |
Fantasia and Fugue in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10916 |
BWV0906 |
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor (fugue unfinished) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
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10917 |
BWV0907 |
Fantasia and Fughetta in B_Flat major |
wiki |
pdf |
text |
google |
amazon |
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10918 |
BWV0908 |
Fantasia and Fughetta in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10919 |
BWV0909 |
Concerto and Fugue in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10920 |
BWV0910 |
Toccata in F_sharp minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10921 |
BWV0911 |
Toccata in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10922 |
BWV0912 |
Toccata in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10923 |
BWV0913 |
Toccata in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10924 |
BWV0914 |
Toccata in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10925 |
BWV0915 |
Toccata in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10926 |
BWV0916 |
Toccata in G major |
wiki |
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10927 |
BWV0917 |
Fantasia in G minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10928 |
BWV0918 |
Fantasia in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10929 |
BWV0919 |
Fantasia in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10930 |
BWV0920 |
Fantasia in G minor |
wiki |
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10931 |
BWV0921 |
Prelude in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10932 |
BWV0922 |
Prelude in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10933 |
BWV0923 |
Prelude in B minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10934 |
BWV0924 |
Prelude in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10935 |
BWV0925 |
Prelude in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10936 |
BWV0926 |
Prelude in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10937 |
BWV0927 |
Prelude in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10938 |
BWV0928 |
Prelude in F major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10939 |
BWV0929 |
Trio (or) Prelude in G minor |
wiki |
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10940 |
BWV0930 |
Prelude in G minor |
wiki |
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10941 |
BWV0931 |
Prelude in A minor |
wiki |
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10942 |
BWV0932 |
Prelude in E minor (incomplete) |
wiki |
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10943 |
BWV0933 |
Six Little Preludes No. 1 in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10944 |
BWV0934 |
Six Little Preludes No. 2 in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10945 |
BWV0935 |
Six Little Preludes No. 3 in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10946 |
BWV0936 |
Six Little Preludes No. 4 in D major |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10947 |
BWV0937 |
Six Little Preludes No. 5 in E major |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10948 |
BWV0938 |
Six Little Preludes No. 6 in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
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10949 |
BWV0939 |
Prelude in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10950 |
BWV0940 |
Prelude in D minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10951 |
BWV0941 |
Prelude in E minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10952 |
BWV0942 |
Prelude in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10953 |
BWV0943 |
Prelude in C major |
wiki |
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10954 |
BWV0944 |
Fantasia and Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
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10955 |
BWV0945 |
Fugue in E minor |
wiki |
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10956 |
BWV0946 |
Fugue in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10957 |
BWV0947 |
Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
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10958 |
BWV0948 |
Fugue in D minor |
wiki |
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10959 |
BWV0949 |
Fugue in A major |
wiki |
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10960 |
BWV0950 |
Fugue in A major on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni |
wiki |
pdf |
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amazon |
youtube |
10961 |
BWV0951 |
Fugue in B minor on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni |
wiki |
pdf |
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10962 |
BWV0952 |
Fugue in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10963 |
BWV0953 |
Fugue in C major |
wiki |
pdf |
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10964 |
BWV0954 |
Fugue in B_Flat major on a theme by Johann Adam Reincken |
wiki |
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youtube |
10965 |
BWV0955 |
Fugue in B_Flat major |
wiki |
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10966 |
BWV0956 |
Fugue in E minor |
wiki |
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10967 |
BWV0957 |
Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Gut (chorale prelude for organ in the Neumeister Collection, previously listed as Fugue in G major) |
wiki |
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10968 |
BWV0958 |
Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10969 |
BWV0959 |
Fugue in A minor |
wiki |
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10970 |
BWV0960 |
Fugue in E minor |
wiki |
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10971 |
BWV0961 |
Fughetta in C minor |
wiki |
pdf |
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10972 |
BWV0962 |
Fughetta in E minor |
wiki |
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10973 |
BWV0963 |
Sonata in D major |
wiki |
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10974 |
BWV0964 |
Sonata in D minor (arrangement of Sonata No. 2 for solo violin, BWV 1003) |
wiki |
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youtube |
10975 |
BWV0966 |
Sonata in C major (after Johann Adam Reincken’s?Hortus Musicus, Nos. 11-15) |
wiki |
pdf |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10976 |
BWV0967 |
Sonata in A minor (one movement, arrangement) |
wiki |
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10977 |
BWV0968 |
Adagio in G major (after BWV 1005/1) |
wiki |
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10978 |
BWV0969 |
Andante in G minor |
wiki |
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10979 |
BWV0970 |
Presto in D minor |
wiki |
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10980 |
BWV0971 |
Italian Concerto, in F major |
wiki |
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10981 |
BWV0972 |
Concerto in D major, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in D major, Op.3 No.9 (RV230) |
wiki |
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youtube |
10982 |
BWV0973 |
Concerto in G major, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in G major, Op.7 No.8 (RV299) |
wiki |
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google |
amazon |
youtube |
10983 |
BWV0974 |
Concerto in D minor, after?Alessandro Marcello’s?Oboe Concerto in D minor |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10984 |
BWV0975 |
Concerto in G minor, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in G minor, RV316, a variant of which was published as his Op.4 No.6 (RV316a) |
wiki |
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10985 |
BWV0976 |
Concerto in C major, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in E major, Op.3 No.12 (RV265) |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10986 |
BWV0977 |
Concerto in C major, after an unknown model |
wiki |
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10987 |
BWV0978 |
Concerto in F major, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in G major, Op.3 No.3 (RV310) |
wiki |
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10988 |
BWV0979 |
Concerto in B minor, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in D minor, RV813 (formerly RVAnh.10) |
wiki |
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10989 |
BWV0980 |
Concerto in G major, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in B_Flat major, Op.4 No.1 (RV383a) |
wiki |
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amazon |
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10990 |
BWV0981 |
Concerto in C minor, after?Benedetto Marcello’s Concerto Op.1 No.2 |
wiki |
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youtube |
10991 |
BWV0982 |
Concerto in B_Flat major, after Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar’s Concerto Op.1 No.1 |
wiki |
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amazon |
youtube |
10992 |
BWV0983 |
Concerto in G minor, after an unknown model |
wiki |
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10993 |
BWV0984 |
Concerto in C major, after a lost Concerto by Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe Weimar (see BWV595 for organ version) |
wiki |
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10994 |
BWV0985 |
Concerto in G minor, after?Georg Philipp Telemann’s Violin Concerto TWV51:g1 |
wiki |
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10995 |
BWV0986 |
Concerto in G major, after an unknown model |
wiki |
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10996 |
BWV0987 |
Concerto in D minor, after Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe?Weimar’s Concerto Op.1 No.4 |
wiki |
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10997 |
BWV0988 |
Goldberg Variations(published as Fourth Clavier-Ubung) |
wiki |
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10998 |
BWV0989 |
Aria variata alla maniera italiana, in A minor |
wiki |
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10999 |
BWV0990 |
Sarabande con Partite in C major |
wiki |
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11000 |
BWV0991 |
Air with variations in C minor (fragment) |
wiki |
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11001 |
BWV0992 |
Capriccio sopra la lontananza del suo fratello dilettissimo, in B_Flat major |
wiki |
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11002 |
BWV0993 |
Capriccio in honorem Johann Christoph Bachii Ohrdrufiensis, in E major |
wiki |
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11003 |
BWV0994 |
Applicatio in C major |
wiki |
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11004 |
BWV0995 |
Lute Suite in G minor (transcription of Cello Suite No. 5, BWV 1011) |
wiki |
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11005 |
BWV0996 |
Lute Suite in E minor |
wiki |
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11006 |
BWV0997 |
Suite in C minor |
wiki |
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11007 |
BWV0998 |
Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in E_Flat major |
wiki |
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11008 |
BWV0999 |
Prelude in C minor |
wiki |
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11009 |
BWV1000 |
Fugue in G minor (after BWV 1001/1) |
wiki |
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11010 |
BWV1001 |
Violin Sonata No. 1 in G minor |
wiki |
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11011 |
BWV1002 |
Violin Partita No. 1 in B minor |
wiki |
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11012 |
BWV1003 |
Violin Sonata No. 2 in A minor |
wiki |
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11013 |
BWV1004 |
Violin Partita No. 2 in D minor |
wiki |
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11014 |
BWV1005 |
Violin Sonata No. 3 in C major |
wiki |
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11015 |
BWV1006 |
Violin Partita No. 3 in E major |
wiki |
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11016 |
BWV1006a |
BWV 1006?(previously?1006a) ? Suite in E major (for lute?) after BWV 1006 |
wiki |
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11017 |
BWV1007 |
Cello Suite No. 1 in G major |
wiki |
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11018 |
BWV1008 |
Cello Suite No. 2 in D minor |
wiki |
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11019 |
BWV1009 |
Cello Suite No. 3 in C major |
wiki |
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11020 |
BWV1010 |
Cello Suite No. 4 in E_Flat major |
wiki |
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11021 |
BWV1011 |
Cello Suite No. 5 in C minor |
wiki |
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11022 |
BWV1012 |
Cello Suite No. 6 in D major |
wiki |
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11023 |
BWV1014 |
Sonata for violin and harpsichord in B minor |
wiki |
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11024 |
BWV1015 |
Sonata for violin and harpsichord in A major |
wiki |
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11025 |
BWV1016 |
Sonata for violin and harpsichord in E major |
wiki |
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11026 |
BWV1017 |
Sonata for violin and harpsichord in C minor |
wiki |
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11027 |
BWV1018 |
Sonata for violin and harpsichord in F minor |
wiki |
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11028 |
BWV1019 |
Sonata for violin and harpsichord in G major |
wiki |
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11029 |
BWV1020 |
Sonata in G minor for violin and harpsichord |
wiki |
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11030 |
BWV1021 |
Sonata in G major for violin and basso continuo |
wiki |
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11031 |
BWV1022 |
Sonata in F major for violin and harpsichord |
wiki |
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11032 |
BWV1023 |
Sonata in E minor for violin and basso continuo |
wiki |
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11033 |
BWV1024 |
Sonata in C minor for violin and basso continuo |
wiki |
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11034 |
BWV1025 |
Suite in A major for violin and harpsichord (after Sylvius Leopold Weiss) |
wiki |
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11035 |
BWV1026 |
Fugue in G minor for violin and harpsichord |
wiki |
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11036 |
BWV1027 |
Sonata for viola da gamba and harpsichord No. 1 in G major (arrangement of BWV 1039) |
wiki |
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11037 |
BWV1028 |
Sonata for viola da gamba and harpsichord No. 2 in D major |
wiki |
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11038 |
BWV1029 |
Sonata for viola da gamba and harpsichord No. 3 in G minor |
wiki |
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11039 |
BWV1030 |
Sonata in B minor for flute and harpsichord (after BWV 1030.1) |
wiki |
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11040 |
BWV1031 |
Sonata in E_Flat major for flute and harpsichord |
wiki |
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11041 |
BWV1032 |
Sonata in A major for flute and harpsichord |
wiki |
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11042 |
BWV1013 |
Flute Partita in A minor |
wiki |
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11043 |
BWV1033 |
Sonata in C major for flute and basso continuo |
wiki |
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11044 |
BWV1034 |
Sonata in E minor for flute and basso continuo |
wiki |
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11045 |
BWV1035 |
Sonata in E major for flute and basso continuo |
wiki |
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11046 |
BWV1036 |
Sonata in D minor for 2 violins and keyboard |
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11047 |
BWV1037 |
Sonata in C major for 2 violins and keyboard |
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11048 |
BWV1038 |
Sonata in G major for flute, violin and keyboard |
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11049 |
BWV1039 |
Sonata in G major for 2 flutes and basso continuo |
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11050 |
BWV1040 |
Canonic Trio Sonata in F major, based on material found in BWV 208 |
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11051 |
BWV1041 |
Violin Concerto in A minor |
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11052 |
BWV1042 |
Violin Concerto in E major |
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11053 |
BWV1043 |
Concerto for 2 violins in D minor |
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11054 |
BWV1044 |
Concerto for flute, violin and harpsichord in A minor |
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11055 |
BWV1045 |
Violin Concerto movement in D major, abandoned opening movement (sinfonia) to a lost cantata |
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11056 |
BWV1046 |
Brandenburg ConcertoNo. 1 in F major for violino piccolo, three oboes, bassoon, two corni da caccia, strings and continuo |
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11057 |
BWV1047 |
Brandenburg ConcertoNo. 2 in F major for trumpet, oboe, recorder, violin, strings and continuo |
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11058 |
BWV1048 |
Brandenburg ConcertoNo. 3 in G major for three violins, three violas, three cellos and continuo |
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11059 |
BWV1049 |
Brandenburg ConcertoNo. 4 in G major for violin, two fiauti d’echo (recorders), strings and continuo |
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11060 |
BWV1050 |
Brandenburg ConcertoNo. 5 in D major for harpsichord, violin, flute and strings: |
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11061 |
BWV1051 |
Brandenburg ConcertoNo. 6 in B_Flat major for two violas, two violas da gamba, cello and continuo |
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11062 |
BWV1052 |
Concerto for harpsichord and strings in D minorr |
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11063 |
BWV1053 |
Concerto for harpsichord and strings in E major |
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11064 |
BWV1054 |
Concerto for harpsichord and strings in D major (after BWV 1042) |
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11065 |
BWV1055 |
Concerto for harpsichord and strings in A major |
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11066 |
BWV1056 |
Concerto for harpsichord and strings in F minor |
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11067 |
BWV1057 |
Concerto for harpsichord, 2 recorders and strings in F major (after BWV 1049) |
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11068 |
BWV1058 |
Concerto for harpsichord and strings in G minor (after BWV 1041) |
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11069 |
BWV1059 |
Concerto for harpsichord in D minor (incomplete, after?BWV 35/1) |
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11070 |
BWV1060 |
Concerto for 2 harpsichords and strings in C minor |
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11071 |
BWV1061 |
Concerto for 2 harpsichords in C major |
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11072 |
BWV1061a |
Concerto for 2 harpsichords in C major |
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11073 |
BWV1062 |
Concerto for 2 harpsichords and strings in C minor (after BWV 1043) |
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11074 |
BWV1063 |
Concerto for 3 harpsichords and strings in D minor |
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11075 |
BWV1064 |
Concerto for 3 harpsichords and strings in C major |
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11076 |
BWV1065 |
Concerto for 4 harpsichords and strings in A minor, after Antonio Vivaldi’s Concerto for four violins in B?minor, Op.?3 No.?10 (RV?580) |
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11077 |
BWV1066 |
Orchestral Suite No. 1 in C major (for woodwinds, strings and continuo) |
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11078 |
BWV1067 |
Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor (for flute, strings and continuo) |
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11079 |
BWV1068 |
Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major (for oboes, trumpets, timpani, strings and continuo) |
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11080 |
BWV1069 |
Orchestral Suite No. 4 in D major (for oboes, bassoon, trumpets, timpani, strings and continuo) |
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11081 |
BWV1070 |
Orchestral Suite in G minor |
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11082 |
BWV1071 |
BWV 1071, renumbered as BWV 1046.1: early version of the first Brandenburg Concerto |
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11083 |
BWV1072 |
Canon trias harmonica a 8 |
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11084 |
BWV1073 |
Canon a 4 perpetuus |
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11085 |
BWV1074 |
Canon a 4 |
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11086 |
BWV1075 |
Canon a 2 perpetuus |
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11087 |
BWV1076 |
Canon triplex a 6 |
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11088 |
BWV1077 |
Canone doppio sopr’il soggetto |
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11089 |
BWV1078 |
Canon super fa mi a 7 post tempus musicum |
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11090 |
BWV1079 |
The Musical Offering(Musikalisches Opfer) |
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