The long choral fantasy “Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott” is one of the most outstanding of Bach’s choral works. The instrumentation is flauto traverso, two oboes, taille, cornet, three trombones, and strings. In the ritornello section, each of the instrumental sections insistently repeats a tone pattern with appoggiaturas, which create a truly complex harmony. The four voices of the chorus move completely independently of the instrumental section, with the brasses overlapping them. Furthermore, the flute overlaps in octave on the chorale melody sung by soprano. The calculated sound of this work is truly miraculous. The first aria “Handle nicht nach deinen Rechten” is sung by a tenor with violin obbligato. This is followed by recitatives and chorale “Ach! Herr Gott, durch die Treue dein” sung by soprano, here with recitatives are sung in between the chorale lines. The bass aria “Warum willst du so zornig sein?”. This aria is interwoven with chorale melodies (here not only in the bass part but in the instrumental parts) and alternates rapidly with arioso to dramatic effect. The obbligato is played by three reed instruments (2 oboes, taille). The next tenor recitative, the chorale “Die Sünd hat uns verderbet sehr” is in the same form as the previous two pieces, with recitative interspersed between the chorale lines. This is followed by the duet aria “Gedenk an Jesu bittern Tod” for soprano and alto, with flute and oboe da caccia adding obbligato. The piece concludes with the chorale “Leit uns mit deiner rechten Hand”. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸