Telemann: Fantasias for Unaccompanied Flute / Hans Martin Linde etc.

Telemann: Fantasias for Unaccompanied Flute / Hans Martin Linde etc.
I would like to introduce the following four recordings of these pieces.
(1) Hans Martin Linde
(2) Barthold Kuijken
(3) Masahiro Arita
(4) Francois Lazarevitch
(1) and (2) were analog records. I remember that (1) seems to have been recorded in a church somewhere in the city, and I was bothered by the background noise of automobiles. I would like to listen to it again, but it seems to have been out of print for a long time. (2) was also analog but I converted it into digital, so I still listen to it on my iTunes from time to time. The performance is beyond reproach. The two pieces (3) and (4) are CDs and Spotify downloads. The performance of (3) is probably the most aggressive of the four in terms of tempo and dynamism. The unique sense of rhythm and stylish ornamental sounds of (4) are irresistible. After all all of them are masterpieces that are difficult to rank highly. #baroque #telemann #片山俊幸