Baroque Composers Ver.2(Database)

  • 2024年5月7日
  • 2024年5月7日
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No. Last Name Full Name Birth & Death Wiki Google Amazon YouTube ISMLP
0001 Aagesen Truid Aagesen (1593–1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0002 Abbatini Antonio Maria Abbatini (c._1595–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0003 Abel Clamor Heinrich Abel (1634–1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0004 Abell John Abell (1653–after_1724) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0005 Adriaenssen Emmanuel Adriaenssen (1554–1604) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0006 Adson John Adson (c._1587–1640) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0007 Agazzari Agostino Agazzari (1578–1640) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0008 Agostin Pietro Simone Agostini (c._1635–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0009 Agostini Paolo Agostini (c._1583–1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0010 Agrell Johan Agrell (1701–1765) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0011 Agustí Joan Baptista Pla i Agustí (c._1720–1773) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0012 Ahle Johann Rudolf Ahle (1625–1673) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0013 Ahle Johann Georg Ahle (1651–1706) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0014 Aich Bartholomäus Aich (fl. 1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0015 Aichinger Gregor Aichinger (c._1565–1628) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0016 Albergati Pirro Capacelli Albergati (1663–1735) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0017 Albert Heinrich Albert (1604–1651) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0018 Alberti Johann Friedrich Alberti (1642–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0019 Alberti Giuseppe Matteo Alberti (1685–1751) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0020 Alberti Domenico Alberti (c._1710–1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0021 Albertini Ignazio Albertini (1644–1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0022 Albinoni Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni (1671–1751) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0023 Albrici Vincenzo Albrici (1631–1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0024 Alcock John Alcock (1715–1806) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0025 Aldrovandini Giuseppe Aldrovandini (1671–1707) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0026 Aleotti Vittoria Aleotti (c._1575–after_1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0027 Allegri Lorenzo Allegri (1567–1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0028 Allegri Gregorio Allegri (1582–1652) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0029 Allegri Domenico Allegri (1585–1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0030 Allison Richard Allison (1560/1570–before_1610) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0031 Almeida Francisco António de Almeida (c._1702–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0032 Altenburg Michael Altenburg (1584–1640) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0033 Amadei Filippo Amadei (c._1665–c._1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0034 Amner John Amner (1579–1641) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0035 Amodei Cataldo Amodei (c._1650–c._1695) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0036 Anerio Felice Anerio (1560–1614) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0037 Anerio Giovanni Francesco Anerio (1569–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0038 Anet Jean-Baptiste Anet (1676–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0039 Antonelli Abundio Antonelli (c._1575?–c._1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0040 Antoni Giovanni Battista degli Antonii, or degli Antoni (c._1636?–after_1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0041 Antonii Pietro degli Antonii (1639–1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0042 Araja Francesco Araja (1709–after_1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0043 Arañés Juan Arañés (fl._1624–49;_d._c._1649) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0044 Araujo Juan de Araujo (1646–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0045 Araújo Pedro de Araújo (fl. 1662–1705) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0046 Arauxo Francisco Correa de Arauxo (1584–1654) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0047 Ariosti Attilio Ariosti (1666–1729) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0048 Armsdorff Andreas Armsdorff (1670–1699) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0049 Arne Thomas Arne (1710–1778) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0050 Arnold Georg Arnold (1621–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0051 Arresti Giulio Cesare Arresti (1619–1701) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0052 Asola Gianmatteo Asola (1532–1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0053 Assandra Caterina Assandra (c._1590–after_1618) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0054 Aubert Jacques Aubert (1689–1753) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0055 Aufschnaiter Benedikt Anton Aufschnaiter (1665–1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0056 Auget Paul Auget (1592–1660) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0057 Auletta Pietro Auletta (c._1698–1771) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0058 Aux-Cousteaux Artus Aux-Cousteaux (c._1590–1656) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0059 Avison Charles Avison (1709–1770) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0060 Avitrano Giuseppe Avitrano (c._1670–1756) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0061 Babell William Babell (c._1689–1723) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0062 Baccusi Ippolito Baccusi (1550–1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0063 Bach Heinrich Bach (1615–1692) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0064 Bach Georg Christoph Bach (1642–1697) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0065 Bach Johann Christoph Bach (1642–1703) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0066 Bach Johann Michael Bach (1648–1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0067 Bach Johann Nicolaus Bach (1669–1753) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0068 Bach Johann Christoph Bach (1671–1721) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0069 Bach Johann Bernhard Bach (1676–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0070 Bach Johann Ludwig Bach (1677–1731) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0071 Bach Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0072 Bach Johann Lorenz Bach (1695–1773) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0073 Bach Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710–1784) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0074 Bach Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0075 Bach Johann Bernhard Bach (the_younger) (1700–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0076 Bacheler Daniel Bacheler (1572–1619) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0077 Bacilly Bertrand de Bacilly (1621–1690) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0078 Badalla Rosa Giacinta Badalla (c._1660–c._1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0079 Badia Carlo Agostino Badia (1672–1738) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0080 Baldassare Pietro Baldassare (c._1683–after_1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0081 Ballard Robert Ballard (c._1575–1645) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0082 Ballaroti Francesco Ballaroti (c._1660–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0083 Baltzar Thomas Baltzar (c._1631–1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0084 Banchieri Adriano Banchieri (1568–1634) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0085 Banister John Banister (c._1630–1679) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0086 Barahona Juan Esquivel Barahona (1560–after_1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0087 Barbarino Bartolomeo Barbarino (c._1568–1617_or_later) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0088 Barbieri Lucio Barbieri (1586–1659) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0089 Baron Ernst Gottlieb Baron (1696–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0090 Baroni Leonora Baroni (1611–1670) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0091 Barre Joseph Chabanceau de La Barre (1633–1678) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0092 Barre Michel de la Barre (c._1675–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0093 Barrière Jean Barrière (1707–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0094 Barsanti Francesco Barsanti (1690–1775) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0095 Bartei Girolamo Bartei (c._1570–c._1618) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0096 Bartlet John Bartlet (fl._1606–1610) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0097 Bartolotti Angelo Michele Bartolotti (c._1615–1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0098 Basile Adriana Basile (c._1580–c._1640) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0099 Bassani Orazio Bassani (before_1570–1615) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0100 Bassani Giovanni Battista Bassani (c._1650–1716) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0101 Bassano Giovanni Bassano (c._1558–1617) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0102 Baston John Baston (fl. 1708–1739) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0103 Bataille Gabriel Bataille (1574–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0104 Bateson Thomas Bateson (1570–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0105 Bâton Charles Bâton (fl. 1733–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0106 Battiferri Luigi Battiferri (c._1610–after_1682) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0107 Baustetter Jean-Conrad Baustetter (1666–1722) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0108 Becker Dietrich Becker (c._1623–c._1679) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0109 Belissen Laurent Belissen (1693–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0110 Bella Domenico Della Bella (fl. c._1700–1715) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0111 Belli Girolamo Belli (1552–1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0112 Belli Giulio Belli (c._1560–1621_or_later) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0113 Bellinzani Paolo Benedetto Bellinzani (1682–1757) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0114 Bembo Antonia Bembo (c._1640–1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0115 Benda Felix Benda (1708–1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0116 Benda Franz Benda (1709–1786) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0117 Benevoli Orazio Benevoli (1605–1672) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0118 Bennet John Bennet (1575–after_1614) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0119 Berardi Angelo Berardi (c._1636–1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0120 Beretta Francesco Beretta (c._1640_–_1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0121 Bernabei Giuseppe Antonio Bernabei (1649–1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0122 Bernabei Ercole Bernabei (1622–1687) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0123 Bernardi Bartolomeo Bernardi (c._1660–1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0124 Bernardi Stefano Bernardi (c._1577–1637) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0125 Bernasconi Andrea Bernasconi (c._1706–1784) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0126 Bernhard Christoph Bernhard (1628–1692) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0127 Bernier Nicolas Bernier (1664–1734) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0128 Bertali Antonio Bertali (1605–1669) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0129 Berteau Martin Berteau (1691–1771) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0130 Berti Giovanni Pietro Berti (c._1590?–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0131 Bertouch Georg von Bertouch (1668–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0132 Besard Jean-Baptiste Besard (1567–1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0133 Besozzi Alessandro Besozzi (1702–1775) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0134 Bevin Elway Bevin (1554–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0135 Bezdružic Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic (1564–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0136 Biber Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber (1644–1704) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0137 Biber Carl Heinrich Biber (1681–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0138 Bigaglia Diogenio Bigaglia (1676–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0139 Bioni Antonio Bioni (1698–1739) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0140 Birkenstock Johann Adam Birkenstock (1687–1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0141 Biscogli Francesco Biscogli (after_1700–after_1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0142 Blainville Charles-Henri de Blainville (1711–1769) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0143 Blamont François Colin de Blamont (1690–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0144 Blanchard Esprit-Antoine Blanchard (1696–1770) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0145 Blavet Michel Blavet (1700–1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0146 Blondel Louis-Nicolas Blondel (?–1671) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0147 Blondet Abraham Blondet (1560–1634) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0148 Blow John Blow (1649–1708) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0149 Bocquet Mlle Bocquet (early_17th_century–after_1660) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0150 Böddecker Philipp Friedrich Böddecker (1607–1683) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0151 Bodinus Sebastian Bodinus (c._1700–1759) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0152 Böhm Georg Böhm (1661–1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0153 Boismortier Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1689–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0154 Boluda Ginés de Boluda (1545–1606) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0155 Bond Capel Bond (1730–1790) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0156 Bonefont Simone de Bonefont (1535_–_ ?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0157 Boni Pietro Giuseppe Gaetano Boni (c._1686–after_1741) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0158 Bonini Severo Bonini (1582–1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0159 Boniventi Giuseppe Boniventi (1670–1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0160 Bononcini Giovanni Maria Bononcini (1642–1678) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0161 Bononcini Giovanni Bononcini (1670–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0162 Bononcini Antonio Maria Bononcini (1677–1726) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0163 Bonporti Francesco Antonio Bonporti (1672–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0164 Borbollono Jean-Philippe Borbollono (1696–?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0165 Borboni Nicolò Borboni (c._1591–1641) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0166 Borchgrevinck Melchior Borchgrevinck (1572–1632) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0167 Bottegari Cosimo Bottegari (1554–1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0168 Bourgeois Thomas-Louis Bourgeois (1676–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0169 Bournonville Jean de Bournonville (1585–1632) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0170 Bournonville Valentin de Bournonville (1610–1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0171 Bournonville Jacques de Bournonville (1675–175?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0172 Bousset Jean-Baptiste Drouard de Bousset (1662–1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0173 Bousset René Drouard de Bousset (1703–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0174 Bouteiller Pierre Bouteiller (1655–1717) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0175 Boutmy Josse Boutmy (1697–1779) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0176 Boutry Innocent Boutry (1634–1690/95) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0177 Bouvard François Bouvard (c._1684–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0178 Bouzignac Guillaume Bouzignac (1587–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0179 Boxberg Christian Ludwig Boxberg (1670–1729) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0180 Boyce William Boyce (1711–1779) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0181 Boyer Jean Boyer (15??–1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0182 Boyvin Jacques Boyvin (1649–1706) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0183 Brachrogge Hans Brachrogge (c._1590-c._1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0184 Brade William Brade (1560–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0185 Braun Jean Daniel Braun (c._1690?–c._1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0186 Bravo José de Torres y Martínez Bravo (1665–1738) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0187 Bréhy Petrus Hercules Brehy, or Pierre-Hercule Bréhy (1673–1737) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0188 Brentner Jan Josef Ignác Brentner (1689–1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0189 Brescianello Giuseppe Antonio Brescianello (c._1690_–_1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0190 Brevi Giovanni Battista Brevi (c._1650–1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0191 Brewer Thomas Brewer (1611–c._1660) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0192 Briegel Wolfgang Carl Briegel (1626–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0193 Brito Estêvão de Brito (1575–1641) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0194 Brixi Šimon Brixi (1693–1735) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0195 Bronner Georg Bronner (1667–1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0196 Broschi Riccardo Broschi (c._1698–1756) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0197 Brossard Sébastien de Brossard (1655–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0198 Bruhns Nicolaus Bruhns (1665–1697) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0199 Bruna Pablo Bruna (1611–1679) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0200 Brunckhorst Arnold Brunckhorst (1670–1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0201 Brunelli Antonio Brunelli (1577–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0202 Brunetti Domenico Brunetti (c._1580–1646) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0203 Brunswick-Lüneburg Elisabeth Sophie, Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1613–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0204 Bryne Albertus Bryne (1621–1668) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0205 Buchner Philipp Friedrich Buchner (1614–1669) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0206 Buffardin Pierre-Gabriel Buffardin (1693–1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0207 Bull John Bull (1562–1628) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0208 Buonamente Giovanni Battista Buonamente (c._1595–1642) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0209 Buono Gioan Pietro Del Buono (fl. 1641–1644;_d._1657) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0210 Bustijn Pieter Bustijn (c._1649–1729) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0211 Buttstett Johann Heinrich Buttstett (1666–1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0212 Buxtehude Dieterich Buxtehude (c._1637–1707) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0213 Byrd William Byrd (1540–1623) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0214 Cabanilles Juan Bautista Cabanilles (1644–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0215 Cabezón Hernando de Cabezón (1541–1602) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0216 Caccini Giulio Caccini (1551–1618) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0217 Caccini Francesca Caccini (1587–c._1640) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0218 Caccini Settimia Caccini (1591–1638?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0219 Caceres Abraham Caceres (1718–1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0220 cadet Jean-Marie Leclair le cadet (the_younger)_(1703–1777) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0221 Caesar Johann Melchior Caesar (c._1648–1692) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0222 Caldara Antonio Caldara (1670–1736) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0223 Calegari Maria Cattarina Calegari (1644–1675) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0224 Cambefort Jean de Cambefort (1605–1661) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0225 Cambert Robert Cambert (c._1628–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0226 Campana Francesca Campana (c._1615–1665) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0227 Campion Thomas Campion (1567–1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0228 Campion François Campion (1686–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0229 Campra André Campra (1660–1744) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0230 Camus Sébastien Le Camus (c._1610–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0231 Capelli Giovanni Maria Capelli (1648–1726) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0232 Capillas Francisco López Capillas (c._1615–1673) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0233 Cappus Jean-Baptiste Cappus (1689–1751) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0234 Capricornus Samuel Capricornus (1628–1665) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0235 Caproli Carlo Caproli (c._1617–c._1692) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0236 Cardoso Manuel Cardoso (1566–1650) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0237 Caresana Cristoforo Caresana (c._1640–1709) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0238 Carey Henry Carey (1687–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0239 Carissimi Giacomo Carissimi (1605–1674) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0240 Carlton Richard Carlton (1558–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0241 Caroso Fabritio Caroso (1530–1605/1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0242 Carrión Jerónimo de Carrión (1660–1721) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0243 Casa Girolamo Dalla Casa (fl._from_1568;_d._1601) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0244 Castaldi Bellerofonte Castaldi (c._1581–1649) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0245 Castellanos Rafael Antonio Castellanos (c._1725–1791) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0246 Castello Dario Castello (c._1590–c._1658) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0247 Castillo Bernardo Clavijo del Castillo (1549–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0248 Castrucci Pietro Castrucci (1679–1752) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0249 Cato Diomedes Cato (c._1560/1565–1618) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0250 Caurroy Eustache Du Caurroy (1549–1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0251 Cavalieri Emilio de’ Cavalieri (c._1550–1602) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0252 Cavalli Francesco Cavalli (1602–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0253 Cavendish Michael Cavendish (1565–1628) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0254 Cazzati Maurizio Cazzati (1616–1678) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0255 Cecere Carlo Cecere (1706–1761) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0256 Cererols Joan Cererols (1618–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0257 Černohorský Bohuslav Matěj Černohorský (1684–1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0258 Ceruti Roque Ceruti (c._1683–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0259 Cervetto Giacobbe Cervetto (c._1682–1783) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0260 Cesare Giovanni Martino Cesare (c._1590–1667) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0261 Cesis Sulpitia Cesis (b._1577; fl. 1619) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0262 Cesti Antonio Cesti (1623–1669) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0263 Chambonnières Jacques Champion de Chambonnières (1601/1602–1672) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0264 Chancy François de Chancy (?–1656) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0265 Chapelle Jacques Champion, Sieur de la Chapelle (before_1555–1642) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0266 Charpentier Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643–1704) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0267 Chastillon Guillaume de (c._1550–1610) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0268 Chaumont Lambert Chaumont (c._1635–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0269 Chédeville Nicolas Chédeville (1705–1782) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0270 Chein Louis Chein (1637–1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0271 Chelleri Fortunato Chelleri (1690–1757) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0272 Chilcot Thomas Chilcot (c._1707–1766) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0273 Child William Child (1606–1697) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0274 Chyliński Andreas Chyliński, or Andrzej Chyliński (c._1590–after_1635) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0275 Ciaia Azzolino della Ciaja, or della Ciaia (1671–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0276 Cifra Antonio Cifra (1584–1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0277 Cima Giovanni Paolo Cima (c._1570–1622) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0278 Cima Andrea Cima, or Giovanni Andrea Cima (c._1580–after_1627) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0279 Clari Giovanni Carlo Maria Clari (1677–1754) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0280 Clarke Jeremiah Clarke (c._1674–1707) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0281 Clérambault Louis-Nicolas Clérambault (1676–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0282 Cobbold William Cobbold (1560–1639) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0283 Coelho Manuel Rodrigues Coelho (c._1555–c._1635) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0284 Coleman Charles Coleman (died_1646) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0285 Colista Lelio Colista (1629–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0286 Collasse Pascal Collasse (1649–1709) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0287 Colombini Francesco Colombini (1588–1671) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0288 Colonna Giovanni Paolo Colonna (1637–1695) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0289 Comes Joan Baptista Comes (1568–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0290 Conradi Johann Georg Conradi (1645–1699) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0291 Constantin Louis Constantin (c._1585–1657) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0292 Conti Francesco Bartolomeo Conti (1681–1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0293 Cooper John Coprario, or John Cooper (c._1575–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0294 Corbett William Corbett (1680–1748) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0295 Corbetta Francesco Corbetta (c._1615–1681) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0296 Cordier Jacques Cordier (c._1580–before_1655) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0297 Corelli Arcangelo Corelli (1653–1713) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0298 Corkine William Corkine (fl._1610–1617) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0299 Cornet Peeter Cornet (c._1570/1580–1633) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0300 Corradini Nicolò Corradini (c._1585–1646) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0301 Correia Manuel Correia (c._1600–1653) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0302 Corrette Gaspard Corrette (c._1671–before_1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0303 Corrette Michel Corrette (1707–1795) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0304 Cosset François Cosset (1610–1664) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0305 Costeley Guillaume Costeley (1530–1606) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0306 Cosyn Benjamin Cosyn (1570–1652_or_later) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0307 Cotes Ambrosio Cotes (1550–1603) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0308 Couperin Louis Couperin (c._1626–1661) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0309 Couperin François Couperin (1668–1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0310 Courbois Philippe Courbois (1705–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0311 Cozzolani Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602–c._1678) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0312 Cristo Pedro de Cristo (1550–1618) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0313 Croce Giovanni Croce (c._1557–1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0314 Croes Henri-Jacques de Croes (1705–1786) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0315 Croft William Croft (1678–1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0316 Crüger Johann Crüger (1598–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0317 d’Agincourt François d’Agincourt (1684–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0318 Dall’Abaco Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco (1675–1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0319 dall’Abaco Joseph dall’Abaco (1710–1805) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0320 Dall’Oglio Domenico Dall’Oglio (c._1700–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0321 d’Ambleville Charles d’Ambleville (1588–1637) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0322 Dandrieu Pierre Dandrieu (1664–1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0323 Dandrieu Jean-François Dandrieu (c._1682–1738) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0324 d’Anglebert Jean-Henri d’Anglebert (1629–1691) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0325 Danielis Daniel Danielis (1635–1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0326 Danyel John Danyel (1564–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0327 Daquin Louis-Claude Daquin (1694–1772) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0328 d’Assoucy Charles d’Assoucy (1605–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0329 d’Assoucy Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy (1605–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0330 d’Astorga Emanuele d’Astorga (1681–1736) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0331 Dauvergne Antoine Dauvergne (1713–1797) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0332 De_Machy_ Demachy ou le Sieur De Machy (16?_–_1692) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0333 Dedekind Constantin Christian Dedekind (1628–1715) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0334 Dehault Jean-Baptiste Boësset, Sieur de Dehault (1614–1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0335 Lalande Michel-Richard Delalande (1657–1726) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0336 Delavigne Philibert Delavigne (c._1700–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0337 Demantius Christoph Demantius (1567–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0338 Dentice Scipione Dentice (1560–1635) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0339 Dering Richard Dering (c._1580–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0340 Dering Lady Mary Dering (1629–1704) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0341 Descoteaux René Pignon Descoteaux (c._1646–1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0342 Desmarest Henri Desmarest (1661–1741) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0343 Destouches André Cardinal Destouches (1672–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0344 Deus Filipe da Madre de Deus (c._1630–c._1688_or_later) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0345 d’Eve Alphonse d’Eve (1666–1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0346 d’Hervelois Louis de Caix d’Hervelois (c._1670–c._1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0347 Dieupart Charles Dieupart (c._1670–c._1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0348 d’India Sigismondo d’India (c._1582–1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0349 Diruta Girolamo Diruta (1554-after_1610) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0350 d’Logy Johann Anton Losy von Losinthal, or Comte d’Logy (c._1650–1721) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0351 Długoraj Wojciech Długoraj (1557–after_1619) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0352 Dollé Charles Dollé (fl. 1735–1755;_d._after_1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0353 Donati Ignazio Donati (c._1575–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0354 Donati Johann Gottfried Donati (1706–1782) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0355 Donato Baldassare Donato (1525/1530–1603) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0356 Dornel Louis-Antoine Dornel (c._1685–1765) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0357 Doué Toussaint Bertin de la Doué (c._1680–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0358 Dowland John Dowland (1563–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0359 Dowland Robert Dowland (c._1591–1641) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0360 Draghi Antonio Draghi (c._1634–1700) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0361 Draghi Giovanni Battista Draghi (c._1640–1708) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0362 Drese Adam Drese (c._1620–1701) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0363 Drese Johann Samuel Drese (c._1644–1716) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0364 Drese Johann Wilhelm Drese (1677–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0365 Dretzel Cornelius Heinrich Dretzel (1697–1775) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0366 Drusina Petrus de Drusina (1560–1611) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0367 Duarte Leonora Duarte (1610–1678) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0368 Düben Andreas Düben (1597–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0369 Düben Gustaf Düben (1628–1690) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0370 Dubuisson Jean Lacquemant Dubuisson (c._1622–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0371 Dufault François Dufault (1604–1670) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0372 Dumage Pierre Dumage (c._1674–1751) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0373 Dumanoir Guillaume Dumanoir (1615–1697) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0374 Duni Egidio Duni (1708–1775) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0375 Duphly Jacques Duphly (1715–1789) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0376 Durante Francesco Durante (1684–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0377 Durón Sebastián Durón (1660–1716) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0378 Dutartre Jean-Baptiste Dutartre (16..–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0379 Duval François Duval (1672–1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0380 East Michael East (1580–1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0381 Ebeling Johann Georg Ebeling (1637–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0382 Eberlin Johann Ernst Eberlin (1702–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0383 Ebner Wolfgang Ebner (1612–1665) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0384 Eccard Johannes Eccard (1553–1611) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0385 Eccles John Eccles (1668–1735) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0386 Eccles Henry Eccles (1670–1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0387 Emperor Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor (1608–1657) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0388 Emperor Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (1640–1705) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0389 Endler Johann Samuel Endler (1694–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0390 Erbach Christian Erbach (c._1568–1635) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0391 Erbach Amalia Catharina, Countess of Erbach (1640–1697) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0392 Erlebach Philipp Heinrich Erlebach (1657–1714) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0393 Espinel Vicente Espinel (1550–1624) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0394 Esteves João Rodrigues Esteves (1700–1751) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0395 Estienne François Estienne (1671–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0396 Exaudet André-Joseph Exaudet (1710–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0397 Eyck Jacob van Eyck (c._1590–1657) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0398 Facco Giacomo Facco (1676–1753) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0399 Faggioli Michelangelo Faggioli (1666–1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0400 Fago Francesco Nicola Fago (1677–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0401 Falckenhagen Adam Falckenhagen (1697–1754) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0402 Falco Michele Falco (c._1688–after_1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0403 Falconieri Andrea Falconieri (1585–1656) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0404 Falvetti Michelangelo Falvetti (1642–1692) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0405 Fantini Girolamo Fantini (c._1600–1675) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0406 Farinel Michel Farinel (1649–1726) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0407 Farmer John Farmer (1565–1605) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0408 Farnaby Giles Farnaby (c._1563–1640) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0409 Farrant Daniel Farrant (c._1575–1651) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0410 Fasch Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0411 Fasolo Giovanni Battista Fasolo (c._1598–c._1664) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0412 Fedeli Ruggiero Fedeli (c._1655–1722) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0413 Felis Stefano Felis (1538–1603) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0414 Feo Francesco Feo (1691–1761) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0415 Fernández Gaspar Fernández (1566–1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0416 Ferrari Benedetto Ferrari (c._1603?–1681) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0417 Ferretti Giovanni Ferretti (1540–after_1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0418 Fesch Willem de Fesch (1687–1761) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0419 Festing Michael Christian Festing (1705–1752) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0420 Février Pierre Février (1696–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0421 fils Sainte-Colombe Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe le fils (the_younger)_(c._1660–c._1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0422 fils Lully Jean-Baptiste Lully fils (the_younger)_(1665–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0423 fils Forqueray Jean-Baptiste Forqueray le fils (1699–1782) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0424 Finger Gottfried Finger (1660–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0425 Fiocco Pietro Antonio Fiocco (1654–1714) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0426 Fiocco Jean-Joseph Fiocco (1686–1746) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0427 Fiocco Joseph-Hector Fiocco (1703–1741) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0428 Fiorenza Nicola Fiorenza (after_1700–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0429 Fischer Johann Fischer (1646–1716) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0430 Fischer Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer (1656–1746) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0431 Flaccomio Giovanni Pietro Flaccomio (1565–1617) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0432 Flor Christian Flor (1626–1697) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0433 Foggia Francesco Foggia (1603–1688) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0434 Fontana Giovanni Battista Fontana (c._1571–c._1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0435 Fontanelli Alfonso Fontanelli (1557–1622) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0436 Ford Thomas Ford (c._1580–1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0437 Formé Nicolas Formé (1567–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0438 Forqueray Antoine Forqueray (1672–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0439 Förster Kaspar Förster (the_younger)_(1616–1673) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0440 Förster Christoph Förster (1693–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0441 Förtsch Johann Philipp Förtsch (1652–1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0442 Foucquet Pierre-Claude Foucquet (1694–1772) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0443 Franceschini Petronio Franceschini (1651–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0444 Francisci Jan Francisci (1691–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0445 Franck Melchior Franck (c._1579–1639) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0446 Franck Johann Wolfgang Franck (1644–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0447 Francoeur François Francoeur (1698–1787) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0448 Freithoff Johan Henrik Freithoff (1713–1767) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0449 Frémart Henry Frémart (16..–1651) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0450 Frescobaldi Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0451 Friderici Daniel Friderici (1584–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0452 Froberger Johann Jakob Froberger (1616–1667) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0453 Funck David Funck (1648?–after_1690) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0454 Funcke Friedrich Funcke (1642–1699) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0455 Furchheim Johann Wilhelm Furchheim (c._1635–1682) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0456 Fux Johann Joseph Fux (1660–1741) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0457 Gabrieli Giovanni Gabrieli (c._1554/1557–1612) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0458 Gabrielli Domenico Gabrielli (1651/1659–1690) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0459 Gagliano Marco da Gagliano (1582–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0460 Galán Cristóbal Galán (c._1630–1684) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0461 Galántha Paul I, Prince Esterházy of Galántha (1635–1713) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0462 Galilei Michelagnolo Galilei (1575–1631) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0463 Galliard Johann Ernst Galliard (1687–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0464 Gallot Jacques Gallot (c._1625–1695) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0465 Gallot Alexandre Gallot (1625–1684) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0466 Gallus Jacobus Gallus (1550–1591) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0467 Galuppi Baldassare Galuppi (1706–1785) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0468 Gamble John Gamble (fl._from_1641,_died_1687) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0469 Gasparini Francesco Gasparini (1661–1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0470 Gastoldi Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi (1554–1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0471 Gatti Theobaldo di Gatti (1650–1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0472 Gaultier Pierre Gaultier (1642–1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0473 Gaultier Ennemond Gaultier, le Vieux Gaultier (1575–1651) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0474 Gaultier Jacques Gaultier (1592–1652) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0475 Gaultier d’Orleans Pierre Gaultier d’Orleans (1599–1681) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0476 Geist Christian Geist (c._1650–1711) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0477 Geminiani Francesco Geminiani (1687–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0478 Gentili Giorgio Gentili (c._1668–after_1731) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0479 Geoffroy Jean-Baptiste Geoffroy (1601–1675) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0480 Geoffroy Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy (1633–1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0481 Gerrard Gervise Gerrard (16??–16??) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0482 Gervais Charles-Hubert Gervais (1671–1744) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0483 Gesualdo Carlo Gesualdo (1560–1613) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0484 Ghent Jean-Baptiste Loeillet de Ghent (1688–1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0485 Ghersem Géry de Ghersem (1573/1575–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0486 Gheyn Matthias Vanden Gheyn (1721–1785) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0487 Giacobbi Girolamo Giacobbi (1567–1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0488 Giacomelli or Jacomelli Geminiano Giacomelli or Jacomelli (1692–1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0489 Giamberti Giuseppe Giamberti (c.1600_–_c._1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0490 Gianoncelli Bernardo Gianoncelli (fl. early_17th_century;_d._before_1650) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0491 Giai Giovanni Antonio Giay (1690–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0492 Gibbons Edward Gibbons (1568–1650) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0493 Gibbons Ellis Gibbons (1573–1603) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0494 Gibbons Orlando Gibbons (1583–1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0495 Gibbons Christopher Gibbons (1615–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0496 Gibbs Richard Gibbs (1568–1650) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0497 Gibbs Joseph Gibbs (1699–1788) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0498 Gigault Nicolas Gigault (c._1627–1707) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0499 Giles Nathaniel Giles (1558–1634) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0500 Gilles Jean Gilles (1668–1705) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0501 Gilles Bonaventure Gilles (1678?–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0502 Giorgi Giovanni Giorgi (fl. from_1719;_d._1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0503 Giovannelli Ruggiero Giovannelli (c._1560–1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0504 Gistou Nicolas Gistou (1560–1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0505 Giustini Lodovico Giustini (1685–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0506 Gnocchi Pietro Gnocchi (1689–1775) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0507 Gomółka Mikołaj Gomółka (1535–1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0508 Gorczycki Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki (c._1665/1667–1734) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0509 Gouffet Jean-Baptiste Gouffet (1669–1729) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0510 Gouy Jacques de Gouy (c._1610–after_1650) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0511 Grabbe Johann Grabbe (1585–1655) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0512 Grabu Louis Grabu (fl. 1665–1693) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0513 Granata Giovanni Battista Granata (1620/1621–1687) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0514 Grandi Alessandro Grandi (1586–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0515 Grandval Nicolas Racot de Grandval (1676–1753) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0516 Graun Johann Gottlieb Graun (1703–1771) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0517 Graun Carl Heinrich Graun (1704–1759) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0518 Graupner Christoph Graupner (1683–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0519 Graziani Bonifazio Graziani (1604/1605–1664) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0520 Grazianini Caterina Benedicta Grazianini (born_17th_century; fl. from_1705) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0521 Great Frederick the Great (1712–1786) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0522 Greaves Thomas Greaves (fl._1604) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0523 Greco Gaetano Greco (c._1657–c._1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0524 Greene Maurice Greene (1696–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0525 Grenet François-Lupien Grenet (1700–1753) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0526 Grigny Nicolas de Grigny (1672–1703) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0527 Grillo Giovanni Battista Grillo (died_1622) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0528 Grimani Maria Margherita Grimani (b._before_1700; fl. 1713–1718) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0529 Groh Johann Groh (c._1575–1627?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0530 Grossi Carlo Grossi (c._1634–1688) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0531 Guami Gioseffo Guami (1542–1611) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0532 Guami Francesco Guami (1544–1602) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0533 Guédron Pierre Guédron (c._1570–c._1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0534 Guerau Francesc Guerau (1649–1717/1722) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0535 Guerre Michel de La Guerre (c._1606–1679) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0536 Guerre Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (1665–1729) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0537 Guignon Jean-Pierre Guignon (1702–1774) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0538 Guilain Jean-Adam Guilain (c._1680–after_1739) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0539 Guillemain Louis-Gabriel Guillemain (1705–1770) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0540 Guillemant Benoit Guillemant (fl. 1746–1757) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0541 Gussago Cesario Gussago (1550–1612) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0542 Hacquart Carolus Hacquart (c._1640–1701?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0543 Hainlein Paul Hainlein (1628–1686) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0544 Hakenberger Andreas Hakenberger (1574–1627) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0545 Hamal Henri-Guillaume Hamal (1685–1752) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0546 Hammerschmidt Andreas Hammerschmidt (1611/1612–1675) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0547 Handel George Frideric Handel (1685–1759) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0548 Handford George Handford (fl._c._1609) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0549 Hanff Johann Nikolaus Hanff (1663–1711) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0550 Harding James Harding (1560–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0551 Hasse Peter Hasse (c._1585–1640) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0552 Hasse Nikolaus Hasse (c._1617–1672) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0553 Hasse Johann Adolph Hasse (1699–1783) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0554 Hassler Hans Leo Hassler (1564–1612) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0555 Haulteterre Élisabeth de Haulteterre (fl. 1737–1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0556 Hayes William Hayes (1706–1777) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0557 Hebden John Hebden (1712–1765) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0558 Heinichen Johann David Heinichen (1683–1729) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0559 Hellendaal Pieter Hellendaal (1721–1799) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0560 Herbst Johann Andreas Herbst (1588–1666) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0561 Heredia Sebastian Aguilera de Heredia (1561–1627) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0562 Hertel Johann Christian Hertel (1697/1699–1754) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0563 Hessen-Kassel Moritz von Hessen-Kassel (1572–1632) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0564 Hilton John Hilton (1565–1609?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0565 Hodémont Léonard de Hodémont (c._1575–1639) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0566 Hofer Andreas Hofer (1629–1684) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0567 Holborne Anthony Holborne (1545–1602) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0568 Holzbauer Ignaz Holzbauer (1711–1783) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0569 Homet Louis Homet (1691–1767) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0570 Hooper Edmund Hooper (1553–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0571 Hotman Nicolas Hotman (c._1610–1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0572 Hotteterre Jacques-Martin Hotteterre (1674–1763) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0573 Hove Joachim van den Hove (c._1567–1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0574 Howet Gregory Howet (1550–1617) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0575 Hume Tobias Hume (1569–1645) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0576 Humfrey Pelham Humfrey (1647–1674) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0577 Hurlebusch Conrad Friedrich Hurlebusch (1691–1765) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0578 Huygens Constantijn Huygens (1596–1687) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0579 Huyn Jacques Huyn (1613–1652) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0580 Inglot William Inglot (1554–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0581 Iribarren Juan Francés de Iribarren (1699–1767) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0582 Irízar Miguel de Irízar (1635–1684) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0583 Ives Simon Ives (1600–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0584 Jacob Václav Gunther Jacob (1685–1734) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0585 Janitsch Johann Gottlieb Janitsch (1708–1763) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0586 Jarzębski Adam Jarzębski (c._1590–c._1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0587 Jeep Johannes Jeep (1581/1582–1644) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0588 Jeffreys George Jeffreys (c._1610–1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0589 Jeffries Matthew Jeffries (1558–1615) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0590 Jenkins John Jenkins (1592–1678) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0591 Jerusalem Ignacio de Jerusalem (c._1707–1769) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0592 Jesús Antonio de Jesús (????–1682) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0593 jeune Denis Gaultier, Gaultier le jeune (1603–1672) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0594 Jiránek František Jiránek (1698–1778) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0595 Jistebnický Pavel Spongopaeus Jistebnický (1550–1619) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0596 Johnson Edward Johnson (1572–1601) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0597 Johnson Robert Johnson (c._1583–1634) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0598 Jones Robert Jones (1577–1617) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0599 Jones Richard Jones (1680–1744) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0600 Josepho Benedictus Buns, or Benedictus a Sancto Josepho (1642–1716) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0601 Jullien Gilles Jullien (c._1651/1653–1703) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0602 Kapsperger Johannes Hieronymus Kapsberger (c._1580–1651) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0603 Karges Wilhelm Karges (1613/1614–1699) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0604 Kauffmann Georg Friedrich Kauffmann (1679–1735) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0605 Keiser Reinhard Keiser (1674–1739) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0606 Kellner David Kellner (1670–1748) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0607 Kellner Johann Peter Kellner (1705–1772) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0608 Kempis Nicolaus à Kempis (c._1600–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0609 Kempis Joannes Florentius a Kempis (1635–after_1711) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0610 Kengyo Yatsuhashi Kengyo (1614–1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0611 Kerckhoven Abraham van den Kerckhoven (c._1618–c._1701) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0612 Kerll Johann Caspar Kerll (1627–1693) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0613 Kindermann Johann Erasmus Kindermann (1616–1655) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0614 Kirbye George Kirbye (1565–1634) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0615 Kittel Caspar Kittel (1603–1639) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0616 Klabon Krzysztof Klabon (1550–1616) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0617 Klein Jacob Klein (1688–1748) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0618 Klingenberg Friedrich Gottlieb Klingenberg (c._1660?–1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0619 Kneller Andreas Kneller (1649–1724) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0620 Knüpfer Sebastian Knüpfer (1633–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0621 Kohaut Karl Kohaut (1726–1784) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0622 Koninck Servaes de Koninck (c._1654–c._1701) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0623 Krebs Johann Tobias Krebs (1690–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0624 Krebs Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713–1780) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0625 Krieger Adam Krieger (1634–1666) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0626 Krieger Johann Philipp Krieger (1649–1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0627 Krieger Johann Krieger (1651–1735) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0628 Kuhnau Johann Kuhnau (1660–1722) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0629 Kühnel August Kühnel (1645–c._1700) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0630 Kusser Johann Sigismund Kusser (1660–1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0631 La Coste Louis Lacoste (c._1675–c._1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0632 Lalouette Jean-François Lalouette (1651–1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0633 Lambardi Camillo Lambardi (c._1560–1634) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0634 Lambert Michel Lambert (1610–1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0635 Lampe John Frederick Lampe (1703–1751) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0636 Landi Stefano Landi (1586–1639) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0637 Langa Francesco Soto de Langa (1534–1619) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0638 Lanier Nicholas Lanier (1588–1666) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0639 Lanzetti Salvatore Lanzetti (1710–1780) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0640 Latilla Gaetano Latilla (1711–1788) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0641 Lauffensteiner Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner (1676–1754) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0642 Laurenti Pietro Paolo Laurenti (1675–1719) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0643 Lawes Henry Lawes (1595–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0644 Lawes William Lawes (1602–1645) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0645 Lazzari Ferdinando Antonio Lazzari (1678–1754) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0646 Lebègue Nicolas Lebègue (1631–1702) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0647 Lechner Leonhard Lechner (1553–1606) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0648 Leclair l’aîné Jean-Marie Leclair l’aîné (1697–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0649 Lefèbvre Louis-Antoine Lefèbvre (1700–1763) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0650 Legrenzi Giovanni Legrenzi (1626–1690) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0651 Leiding Georg Leiding (1664–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0652 Leighton William Leighton (1565–1622) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0653 Lemaire Louis Lemaire (1693?–1750?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0654 Leo Leonardo Leo (1694–1744) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0655 Leonarda Isabella Leonarda (1620–1704) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0656 Leone Gabriele Leone (c._1735–1790) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0657 Leoni Leone Leoni (1560–1627) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0658 Lésbio António Marques Lésbio (1639–1709) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0659 Levens Charles Levens (1689–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0660 Leveridge Richard Leveridge (1670–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0661 Lichfild Henry Lichfild (died_1613) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0662 Liebe Christian Liebe (1654–1708) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0663 Lima Juan Serqueira de Lima (c._1655–c._1726) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0664 Lindemann Gottfried Lindemann (fl. 1713–1741;_d._1741) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0665 Literes Antonio de Literes (1673–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0666 Lobo Alonso Lobo (1555–1617) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0667 Lobo Duarte Lobo (c._1565–1646) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0668 Locatelli Pietro Locatelli (1695–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0669 Lochon Jacques-François Lochon (c._1660–c._1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0670 Locke Matthew Locke (c._1621–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0671 Loeillet Jacques Loeillet (1685–1748) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0672 Logroscino Nicola Bonifacio Logroscino (1698–c._1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0673 Löhner Johann Löhner (1645–1705) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0674 Lonati Carlo Ambrogio Lonati (c._1645–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0675 London Jean-Baptiste Loeillet of London (1680–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0676 Lorenzani Paolo Lorenzani (1640–1713) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0677 Lotti Antonio Lotti (c._1667–1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0678 Löwenstern Matthäus Apelles von Löwenstern (1594–1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0679 Lübeck Vincent Lübeck (1654–1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0680 Lugg John Lugg (1580–1647/1655) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0681 Lukačić Ivan Lukačić (c._1587–1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0682 Lulier Giovanni Lorenzo Lulier (c._1662?–1700) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0683 Lully Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632–1687) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0684 Lully Louis Lully (1664–1734) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0685 Lully Jean-Louis Lully (1667–1688) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0686 Lupo Thomas Lupo (1571–1627) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0687 Luython Carolus Luython (1557–1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0688 Luzzaschi Luzzasco Luzzaschi (1545–1607) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0689 Maasmann Alexander Maasmann (fl. 1713) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0690 Mace Thomas Mace (c._1613–1709?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0691 Machado Manuel Machado (c._1590–1646) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0692 Machy Le Sieur de Machy (d._after_1692) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0693 Madin Henry Madin (1698–1748) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0694 Magalhães Filipe de Magalhães (c._1571–1652) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0695 Majo Giuseppe de Majo (1697–1771) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0696 Maldere Pierre van Maldere (1729–1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0697 Mancini Francesco Mancini (1672–1737) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0698 Mancinus Thomas Mancinus (1550–1612) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0699 Manelli Francesco Manelli (1594–1667) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0700 Manfredini Francesco Manfredini (1684–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0701 Marais Marin Marais (1656–1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0702 Marais Roland Marais (c._1685–c._1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0703 Marazzoli Marco Marazzoli (c._1602–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0704 Marcello Alessandro Marcello (1669–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0705 Marcello Benedetto Marcello (1686–1739) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0706 Marcello Rosanna Scalfi Marcello (1704_or_1705–after_1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0707 Marchand Louis Marchand (1669–1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0708 Marchand Louis-Joseph Marchand (17??–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0709 Marchant John Marchant (died_1611) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0710 Marín José Marín (1618–1699) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0711 Marini Biagio Marini (1594–1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0712 Marotta Erasmo Marotta (1565–1641) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0713 Martin Richard Martin (fl._c._1610) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0714 Martinengo Giulio Cesare Martinengo (1564/1568–1613) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0715 Martini Giovanni Battista Martini, or Padre Martini (1706–1784) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0716 Martins Francisco Martins (c._1617?–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0717 Mascitti Michele Mascitti (c._1664–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0718 Massaino Tiburzio Massaino (1540–after_1608) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0719 Masse Jean-Baptiste Masse (c._1700–c._1757) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0720 Matelart Johannes Matelart (before_1538–1607) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0721 Matho Jean-Baptiste Matho (1663–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0722 Matteis Nicola Matteis (fl. c._1670–1698;_d._after_1713) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0723 Mattheson Johann Mattheson (1681–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0724 Mauduit Jacques Mauduit (1557–1627) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0725 Maynard John Maynard (1577–between_1614_and_1633) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0726 Mayone Ascanio Mayone (c._1565–1627) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0727 Mayr Rupert Ignaz Mayr (1646–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0728 Mazzocchi Domenico Mazzocchi (1592–1665) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0729 Mazzocchi Virgilio Mazzocchi (1597–1646) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0730 Mealli Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli (c._1630?–1669/1670) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0731 Meder Johann Valentin Meder (1649–1719) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0732 Megerle Abraham Megerle (1607–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0733 Melani Jacopo Melani (1623–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0734 Melani Alessandro Melani (1639–1703) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0735 Melgás Diogo Dias Melgás (1638–1700) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0736 Méliton Pierre Méliton (16?_–_1684) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0737 Mempel Johann Nicolaus Mempel (1713–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0738 Menault Pierre-Richard Menault (1642–1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0739 Mendes Manuel Mendes (1547–1605) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0740 Ménétou Françoise-Charlotte de Senneterre Ménétou (1679–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0741 Merci Luigi Merci (c.1695–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0742 Mersenne Marin Mersenne (1588–1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0743 Mertel Elias Mertel (1561–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0744 Merula Tarquinio Merula (1594/1595–1665) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0745 Merulo Claudio Merulo (1533–1604) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0746 Mesangeau René Mesangeau (fl. 1567–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0747 Messaus Guilielmus Messaus (1589–1640) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0748 Métru Nicolas Métru (1610–1668) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0749 Michel Joseph Michel (1688–1736) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0750 Michi Orazio (c._1594–1641) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0751 Mico Richard Mico (1590–1661) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0752 Mielczewski Marcin Mielczewski (c._1600–1651) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0753 Mignon Jean Mignon (1664–1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0754 Milanuzzi Carlo Milanuzzi (c._1590–c._1647) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0755 Milton John Milton (1563–1647) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0756 Minoret Guillaume Minoret (c._1650–1717/1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0757 Mohrhardt Peter Mohrhardt (fl. from_1662;_d._1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0758 Molinaro Simone Molinaro (1565–1615) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0759 Mollier Louis de Mollier (c._1613–1688) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0760 Molter Johann Melchior Molter (1696–1765) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0761 Mondonville Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de Mondonville (1711–1772) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0762 Monferrato Natale Monferrato (c._1603–1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0763 Mont Henri Du Mont (1610–1684) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0764 Monte Philippe de Monte (1521–1603) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0765 Montéclair Michel Pignolet de Montéclair (1667–1737) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0766 Monteverdi Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0767 Montigny Joseph Valette de Montigny (1665–1738) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0768 Morago Esteban López Morago, or Estêvão Lopes Morago (c._1575–after_1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0769 Moreau Jean-Baptiste Moreau (1656–1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0770 Moreau Henri Moreau (1728–1803) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0771 Morel Jacques Morel (c._1680–c._1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0772 Morel Jacques Morel (fl. c._1700–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0773 Morin Jean-Baptiste Morin (1677–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0774 Morley Thomas Morley (1557–1602) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0775 Mossi Giovanni Mossi (c._1680?–1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0776 Moulinié Étienne Moulinié (1599–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0777 Mouret Jean-Joseph Mouret (1682–1738) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0778 Mouton Charles Mouton (1626–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0779 Moyreau Christophe Moyreau (1700–1774) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0780 Mozart Leopold Mozart (1719–1787) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0781 Mudge Richard Mudge (1718–1763) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0782 Muffat Georg Muffat (1653–1704) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0783 Muffat Gottlieb Muffat (1690–1770) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0784 Mundy John Mundy (1555–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0785 Murcia Santiago de Murcia (1673–1739) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0786 Murschhauser Franz Xaver Murschhauser (1663–1738) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0787 Mylius Johann Daniel Mylius (1583–1642) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0788 Nanino Giovanni Maria Nanino (1543/1544–1607) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0789 Nanino Giovanni Bernardino Nanino (c._1560–1623) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0790 Nascinbeni Maria Francesca Nascinbeni (1640–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0791 Nassarre Pablo Nassarre (c._1654–c._1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0792 Naudot Jacques-Christophe Naudot (c._1690–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0793 Navarro Juan Navarro (1550–1610) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0794 Navas Juan Francisco de Navas (c._1650–1719) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0795 Nebra José de Nebra (1702–1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0796 Negri Cesare Negri (1535–1605) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0797 Negri Marcantonio Negri (died_1624) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0798 Nenna Pomponio Nenna (1550–1613) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0799 Neri Massimiliano (composer) (1621–1666) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0800 Neruda Johann Baptist Georg Neruda (c._1707–c._1780) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0801 Neufville Johann Jacob de Neufville (1684–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0802 Neumark Georg Neumark (1621–1681) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0803 Nicholson Richard Nicholson (died_1639) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0804 Nicolai Johann Michael Nicolai (1629–1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0805 Niel Jean-Baptiste Niel (Nieil_or_Nielle)_(1690–1775) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0806 Nielsen Hans Nielsen (1580–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0807 Nivers Guillaume-Gabriel Nivers (1632–1714) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0808 Noordt Anthoni van Noordt (c._1619–1675) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0809 Noordt Sybrandus van Noordt (1659–1705) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0810 Nörmiger August Nörmiger (1560–1613) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0811 Nucius Johannes Nucius (c._1556–1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0812 O’Carolan Turlough O’Carolan (1670–1738) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0813 Okeover John Oker (c._1595–1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0814 Orefice Antonio Orefice (fl. 1708–1734) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0815 Orlandini Giuseppe Maria Orlandini (1676–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0816 Ortells Antonio Teodoro Ortells (1647–1702) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0817 Österreich Georg Österreich (1664–1735) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0818 Oswald James Oswald (1711–1769) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0819 Otradovic Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic (c._1600–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0820 Pachelbel Johann Pachelbel (1653–1706) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0821 Pachelbel Wilhelm Hieronymus Pachelbel (c._1685–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0822 Pachelbel Charles Theodore Pachelbel (1690–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0823 Padbrué Cornelis Padbrué (c._1592–1670) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0824 Padilla Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla (c._1590–1664) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0825 Pagliardi Giovanni Maria Pagliardi (1637–1702) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0826 Paisible James Paisible, or Jacques Paisible (c._1656–1721) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0827 Palella Antonio Palella (1692–1761) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0828 Pallavicino Benedetto Pallavicino (1551–1601) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0829 Pallavicino Carlo Pallavicino (c._1630–1688) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0830 Paradisi Domenico Paradies or Pietro Domenico Paradisi (1707–1791) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0831 Pari Claudio Pari (1574–after_1619) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0832 Pasqualini Marc’Antonio Pasqualini (1614–1691) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0833 Pasquini Bernardo Pasquini (1637–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0834 Patiño Carlos Patiño (1600–1675) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0835 Pedersøn Mogens Pedersøn (c._1583–1623) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0836 Pedrini Teodorico Pedrini (1671–1746) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0837 Peerson Martin Peerson (1572–1651) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0838 Pękiel Bartłomiej Pękiel (died_c._1670) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0839 Pepusch Johann Christoph Pepusch (1667–1752) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0840 Peranda Marco Giuseppe Peranda (c._1625–1675) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0841 Perez Davide Perez (1711–1778) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0842 Pergolesi Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710–1736) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0843 Peri Jacopo Peri (1561–1633) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0844 Perti Giacomo Antonio Perti (1661–1756) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0845 Pescetti Giovanni Battista Pescetti (c._1704–c._1766) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0846 Pesenti Martino Pesenti (c._1600–c._1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0847 Petersen David Petersen (c._1651–1737) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0848 Petzold Christian Petzold (1677–1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0849 Peuerl Paul Peuerl (1570–1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0850 Pez Johann Christoph Pez (1664–1716) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0851 Pezel Johann Christoph Pezel (1639–1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0852 Pfeiffer Johann Pfeiffer (1697–1761) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0853 Pfleger Augustin Pfleger (1635–1686) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0854 Philarmonica Mrs Philarmonica (fl. 1715) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0855 Philidor Pierre Danican Philidor (1647–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0856 Philidor Anne Danican Philidor (1681–1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0857 Philidor Pierre Danican Philidor (1681–1731) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0858 Philips Peter Philips (c._1560–1628) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0859 Piacentino Romano Antonio Piacentino (c._18th_century) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0860 Piani Giovanni Antonio Piani (1678–1760) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0861 Picchi Giovanni Picchi (1571–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0862 Piccinini Alessandro Piccinini (1566–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0863 Pierre Louis-Maurice de La Pierre (1697–1753) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0864 Pietà Michielina Della Pietà (fl. c._1701–1744) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0865 Pietà Santa della Pietà (fl. c._1725–1750,_d._after_1774) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0866 Pilkington Francis Pilkington (c._1565–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0867 Pinel Julie Pinel (fl. 1710–1737) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0868 Pisendel Johann Georg Pisendel (1687–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0869 Pistocchi Francesco Antonio Pistocchi (1659–1726) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0870 Pitoni Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni (1657–1743) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0871 Platti Giovanni Benedetto Platti (1697–1763) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0872 Poglietti Alessandro Poglietti (early_17th_century–1683) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0873 Pohle David Pohle (1624–1695) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0874 Polak Jakub Polak (1545–1605) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0875 Polanco Juan Hidalgo de Polanco (1614–1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0876 Pollarolo Carlo Francesco Pollarolo (c._1653–1723) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0877 Pollice or Pulici Ignazio Pollice or Pulici (fl. 1684–1705) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0878 Pontac Diego Pontac (1603–1654) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0879 Porpora Nicola Porpora (1686–1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0880 Porta Costanzo Porta (1529–1601) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0881 Porta Giovanni Porta (c._1675–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0882 Porter Walter Porter (1588–1659) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0883 Portugal John IV of Portugal (1603–1656) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0884 Portugal Barbara of Portugal (1711–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0885 Posch Isaac Posch (1591?–c._1623) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0886 Praetorius Hieronymus Praetorius (1560–1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0887 Praetorius Michael Praetorius (c._1571–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0888 Praetorius Jacob Praetorius (1586–1651) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0889 Prelleur Peter Prelleur (c._1705?–1741) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0890 Presles Mlle Guédon de Presles (early_18th_century–1754) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0891 Prince Louis-Nicolas Le Prince (1637–1693) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0892 Printz Wolfgang Caspar Printz (1641–1717) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0893 Priuli Giovanni Priuli (c._1575–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0894 Priuli Marieta Morosina Priuli (fl. 1665) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0895 Provenzale Francesco Provenzale (1624–1704) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0896 Prussia Princess Wilhelmine of Prussia (1709–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0897 Prussia Princess Philippine Charlotte of Prussia (1716–1801) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0898 Puccini senior Giacomo Puccini senior (1712–1781) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0899 Pujol Joan Pau Pujol (1570–1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0900 Purcell Henry Purcell (1659–1695) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0901 Purcell Daniel Purcell (1664–1717) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0902 Quagliati Paolo Quagliati (c._1555–1628) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0903 Quantz Johann Joachim Quantz (1697–1773) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0904 Quedlinburg Anna Amalia, Abbess of Quedlinburg (1723–1787) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0905 Quentin Jean-Baptiste Quentin (before_1690–c._1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0906 Quinault Jean-Baptiste-Maurice Quinault (1687–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0907 Quinault Marie-Anne-Catherine Quinault (1695–1791) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0908 Quinciani Lucia Quinciani (born_c._1566; fl. 1611) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0909 Quirós Manuel José de Quirós (c._1690?–1765) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0910 Racquet Charles Racquet (1597–1664) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0911 Raison André Raison (1640s–1719) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0912 Rameau Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683–1764) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0913 Ramsey Robert Ramsey (1590s–1644) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0914 Raselius Andreas Raselius (1562–1602) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0915 Rasi Francesco Rasi (1574–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0916 Rathgeber Valentin Rathgeber (1682–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0917 Raval Sebastián Raval (1550–1604) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0918 Ravenscroft Thomas Ravenscroft (c._1582–c._1635) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0919 Reali Giovanni Reali (c._1681–after_1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0920 Rebel Jean-Féry Rebel (1666–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0921 Rebel François Rebel (1701–1775) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0922 Rebelo João Lourenço Rebelo (1610–1661) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0923 Reichenauer Antonín Reichenauer (c._1694–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0924 Reincken Johann Adam Reincken (1643?–1722) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0925 Reusner Esaias Reusner (1636–1679) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0926 Reutter Georg Reutter (1656–1738) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0927 Reutter Georg Reutter (the_younger)_(1708–1772) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0928 Ribayaz Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz (1626–1667?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0929 Riccio Giovanni Battista Riccio (fl. 1609–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0930 Richard François Richard (1580–1650) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0931 Richardson Ferdinando Richardson (1558–1618) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0932 Richter Ferdinand Tobias Richter (1651–1711) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0933 Rigatti Giovanni Antonio Rigatti (c._1613–1648) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0934 Ristori Giovanni Alberto Ristori (1692–1753) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0935 Ritter Christian Ritter (c._1645–c._1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0936 Roberday François Roberday (1624–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0937 Robert Pierre Robert (c._1618_–_1699) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0938 Robinson Thomas Robinson (1560–1610) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0939 Roche François de La Roche (?–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0940 Rodio Rocco Rodio (1535–after_1615) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0941 Roemhildt Johann Theodor Roemhildt (1684–1756) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0942 Rognoni Riccardo Rognoni (c._1550–c._1620) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0943 Rognoni Francesco Rognoni (1585–after_1626) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0944 Roman Johan Helmich Roman (1694–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0945 Roncalli Ludovico Roncalli (1654–1713) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0946 Roseingrave Thomas Roseingrave (1688–1766) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0947 Rosenmüller Johann Rosenmüller (1619–1684) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0948 Rosier Carl Rosier (1640–1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0949 Rosmarin Mateo Romero, or Mathieu Rosmarin (c._1575–1647) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0950 Rosseter Philip Rosseter (1568–1623) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0951 Rossi Salamone Rossi (c._1570–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0952 Rossi Luigi Rossi (c._1597–1653) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0953 Rossi Michelangelo Rossi (c._1601–1656) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0954 Rossi Camilla de Rossi (fl. 1707–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0955 Rothe Johann Christoph Rothe (1653–1700) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0956 Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0957 Roux Gaspard Le Roux (c._1660–1707) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0958 Rovetta Giovanni Rovetta (c._1596–1668) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0959 Rowe Walter Rowe (c._1584–1671) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0960 Royer Pancrace Royer (1705–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0961 Różycki Jacek Różycki (c._1635–1704) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0962 Rubino Bonaventura Rubino (c._1600–1668) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0963 Ruggieri Giovanni Maria Ruggieri (c._1665–c._1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0964 Rusca Claudia Rusca (1593–1676) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0965 Rychnovský Jiří Rychnovský (1529–1616) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0966 Sabadini Bernardo Sabadini (fl. from_1662;_d._1718) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0967 Sacco Salvatore Sacco (1572–1622) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0968 Sacerdote David Sacerdote (1550–1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0969 Sacrati Francesco Sacrati (1605–1650) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0970 Saggione Giuseppe Fedeli, or Joseph Saggione (c._1680–c._1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0971 Sainte-Colombe Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe (c._1640–c._1700) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0972 Sainte-Colombe Sainte-Colombe, the son (1660–1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0973 Saint-Luc Jacques de Saint-Luc (1616–c._1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0974 Saladin Louis Saladin (fl. c._1670) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0975 Salaverde Bartolomé de Selma y Salaverde (c._1595–after_1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0976 Salazar Juan García de Salazar (1639–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0977 Salazar Antonio de Salazar (c._1650–1715) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0978 Salomon François-Joseph Salomon (1649–1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0979 Sammartini Giuseppe Sammartini (1695–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0980 Sammartini Giovanni Battista Sammartini (1700–1775) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0981 Sances Giovanni Felice Sances (c._1600–1679) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0982 Santos José Joaquim dos Santos (1747?–1801) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0983 Sanz Gaspar Sanz (1640–1710) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0984 Saracini Claudio Saracini (1586–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0985 Sarro Domenico Sarro (1679–1744) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0986 Sartorio Antonio Sartorio (1630–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0987 Scacchi Marco Scacchi (c._1600–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0988 Scanabecchi Angiola Teresa Moratori Scanabecchi (1662–1708) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0989 Scarani Giuseppe Scarani (fl. 1628–fl. 1642) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0990 Scarlatti Alessandro Scarlatti (1660–1725) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0991 Scarlatti Francesco Scarlatti (1666–c._1741) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0992 Scarlatti Pietro Filippo Scarlatti (1679–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0993 Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0994 Schaffrath Christoph Schaffrath (1709–1763) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0995 Scheibe Johann Adolph Scheibe (1708–1776) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0996 Scheidemann Heinrich Scheidemann (c._1595–1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0997 Scheidt Samuel Scheidt (1587–1654) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0998 Scheidt Gottfried Scheidt (1593–1661) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
0999 Schein Johann Hermann Schein (1586–1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1000 Schelle Johann Schelle (1648–1701) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1001 Schenck Johannes Schenck (1660–c._1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1002 Scherer Sebastian Anton Scherer (1631–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1003 Schiassi Gaetano Maria Schiassi (1698–1754) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1004 Schickhardt Johann Christian Schickhardt (c._1682–1762) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1005 Schieferdecker Johann Christian Schieferdecker (1679–1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1006 Schildt Melchior Schildt (1592/1593–1667) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1007 Schindler Poul Christian Schindler (1648–1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1008 Schmelzer Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (c._1620–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1009 Schoendorff Philippus Schoendorff (1558–1617) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1010 Schop Johann Schop (c._1590–1667) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1011 Schürmann Georg Caspar Schürmann (1672/1673–1751) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1012 Schütz Heinrich Schütz (1585–1672) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1013 Schwartzkopff Theodor Schwartzkopff (1659–1732) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1014 Schwemmer Heinrich Schwemmer (1621–1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1015 Seger Josef Seger (1716–1782) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1016 Seixas Carlos Seixas (1704–1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1017 Selle Thomas Selle (1599–1663) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1018 Semaillé Jean-Baptiste Semaillé (1687–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1019 Senaillé Jean Baptiste Senaillé (1687–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1020 Sessa Claudia Sessa (c._1570–c._1617/1619) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1021 Shuttleworth Obadiah Shuttleworth (c._1675?–1734) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1022 Siefert Paul Siefert (1586–1666) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1023 Signac Nicolas Signac (1585–1645) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1024 Simmes William Simmes (c._1575–c._1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1025 Simon Simon Simon (1735?–1787?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1026 Simpson Thomas Simpson (1582–1628) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1027 Simpson Christopher Simpson (c._1602/1606–1669) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1028 Siret Nicolas Siret (1663–1754) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1029 Smith John Christopher Smith (1712–1795) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1030 Sola Andrés de Sola (1634–1696) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1031 Soler Antonio Soler (1729–1783) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1032 Somis Giovanni Battista Somis (1686–1763) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1033 Soriano Francesco Soriano (1548–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1034 Speth Johann Speth (1664–after_1719) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1035 Sponga Francesco Usper, or Francesco Sponga (1561–1641) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1036 Stachowicz Damian Stachowicz (1658–1699) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1037 Staden Johann Staden (1581–1634) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1038 Staden Sigmund Theophil Staden (1607–1655) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1039 Stamitz Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz (1717–1757) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1040 Stanley John Stanley (1712–1786) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1041 Steffani Agostino Steffani (1653–1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1042 Steigleder Johann Ulrich Steigleder (1593–1635) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1043 Stella Scipione Stella (1558/1559–1622) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1044 Stobäus Johann Stobäus (1580–1646) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1045 Stölzel Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel (1690–1749) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1046 Storace Bernardo Storace (fl. 1664) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1047 Stradella Alessandro Stradella (1643–1682) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1048 Strozzi Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1049 Strungk Delphin Strungk (1600/1601–1694) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1050 Strungk Nicolaus Adam Strungk (1640–1700) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1051 Stuck Jean-Baptiste Stuck (1680–1755) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1052 Subissati Aldebrando Subissati (1606–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1053 Sumarte Richard Sumarte (d._after_1630) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1054 Sweelinck Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1055 Szadek Tomasz Szadek (1550–1612) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1056 Szarzyński Stanisław Sylwester Szarzyński (c._1650–c._1720) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1057 Tabart Pierre Tabart (1645–1717) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1058 Tailour Robert Tailour (fl._1615) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1059 Tarditi Orazio Tarditi (1602–1677) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1060 Tartini Giuseppe Tartini (1692–1770) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1061 Teixeira António Teixeira (1707–1769) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1062 Telemann Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1063 Tessarini Carlo Tessarini (1690–1766) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1064 Tessier Charles Tessier (1550–after_1604) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1065 Theile Johann Theile (1646–1724) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1066 Thesselius Johannes Thesselius (c._1590?–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1067 Thomelin Jacques Thomelin (1635/40–1693) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1068 Tingoli Cesarina Ricci de Tingoli (born_c._1573, fl. 1597) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1069 Tisdale William Tisdale (born_1570) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1070 Titelouze Jean Titelouze (1562/1563–1633) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1071 Tolar Joannes Baptista Dolar (c._1620–1673) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1072 Tomkins Thomas Tomkins (1572–1656) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1073 Tomkins John Tomkins (1589–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1074 Tonini Bernardo Tonini (c._1666–after_1727) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1075 Torelli Giuseppe Torelli (1658–1709) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1076 Torri Pietro Torri (1650–1737) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1077 Trabaci Giovanni Maria Trabaci (c._1575–1647) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1078 Trissina Alba Trissina (born_1622) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1079 Trofeo Ruggiero Trofeo (1550–1614) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1080 Tudway Thomas Tudway (c._1656–1726) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1081 Tůma František Tůma (1704–1774) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1082 Tunder Franz Tunder (1614–1667) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1083 Turini Francesco Turini (1589–1656) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1084 Turner William Turner (1651–1740) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1085 Turnovský Jan Trojan Turnovský (1550–1606) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1086 Uccellini Marco Uccellini (1603/1610–1680) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1087 Ugolini Vincenzo Ugolini (c._1580–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1088 Urio Francesco Antonio Urio (1631/1632–c._1719) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1089 Urtica Václav Jan Kopřiva (1708–1789) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1090 Valentini Giovanni Valentini (c._1582–1649) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1091 Valentini Giuseppe Valentini (1681–1753) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1092 Valentino Robert Valentine (c._1671–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1093 Vallet Nicolas Vallet (c._1583–c._1642) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1094 Vallotti Francesco Antonio Vallotti (1697–1780) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1095 Valls Francisco Valls (1665–1747) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1096 Vargas Urbán de Vargas (1606–1656) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1097 Vasseur Nicolas Le Vasseur (1593–1658) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1098 Vautor Thomas Vautor (1580/1590–?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1099 Veana Matías Juan de Veana (c._1656–after_1708) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1100 Vecchi Orazio Vecchi (1550–1605) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1101 Veillot Jean Veillot (16..–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1102 Vejvanovský Pavel Josef Vejvanovský (c._1633/1639–1693) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1103 Velasco Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco (1644–1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1104 Velkiers Esther Elizabeth Velkiers (c._1640–after_1685) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1105 Veneziano Giovanni Veneziano (1683–1742) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1106 Veneziano Gaetano Veneziano (1665–1716) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1107 Venturini Francesco Venturini (c._1675–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1108 Veracini Antonio Veracini (1659–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1109 Veracini Francesco Maria Veracini (1690–1768) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1110 Verdonck Cornelis Verdonck (1563–1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1111 Verlit Gaspar de Verlit (1622–1682) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1112 Vernizzi Ottavio Vernizzi (1569–1649) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1113 Verso Antonio II Verso (1560–1621) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1114 Viadana Lodovico Grossi da Viadana (c._1560–1627) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1115 Victoria Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1116 Vierdanck Johann Vierdanck (c._1605–1646) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1117 Villani Gabriele Villani (1555–1625) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1118 Villedieu Antoine Boësset, Sieur de Villedieu (1586–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1119 Villeneuve Alexandre Villeneuve (1677–1758) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1120 Vinaccesi Benedetto Vinaccesi (c._1670–1719) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1121 Vinci Leonardo Vinci (c._1690–1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1122 Visée Robert de Visée (c._1650–1732/1733) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1123 Vitali Giovanni Battista Vitali (1632–1692) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1124 Vitali Tomaso Antonio Vitali (1663–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1125 Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1126 Viviani Giovanni Buonaventura Viviani (1638–c._1693) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1127 Vizzana Lucrezia Orsina Vizzana (1590–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1128 Vogler Johann Caspar Vogler (1696–1763) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1129 Wagon_ Chadwille Wagon (1711–1799) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1130 Wągrowca Adam z Wągrowca (died_1629) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1131 Waissel Matthäus Waissel (1540–1602) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1132 Walther Johann Jacob Walther (1650–1717) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1133 Walther Johann Gottfried Walther (1684–1748) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1134 Ward John Ward (1571–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1135 Wassenaer Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer (1692–1766) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1136 Weckmann Matthias Weckmann (c._1616–1674) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1137 Weelkes Thomas Weelkes (1576–1623) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1138 Weichlein Romanus Weichlein (1652–1706) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1139 Weiss Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687–1750) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1140 Weissenburg Henrico Albicastro, or Johann Heinrich von Weissenburg (c._1660–after_1730) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1141 Weldon John Weldon (1676–1736) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1142 Werckmeister Andreas Werckmeister (1645–1706) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1143 Werduwen August Werduwen (17th_century) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1144 Werner Gregor Joseph Werner (1693–1766) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1145 Westhoff Johann Paul von Westhoff (1656–1705) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1146 Widmann Erasmus Widmann (1572–1634) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1147 Wilbye John Wilbye (1574–1638) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1148 Wilderer Johann Hugo von Wilderer (1670/1671–1724) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1149 Wilson John Wilson (1595–1674) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1150 Wise Michael Wise (c._1647–1687) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1151 Witt Christian Friedrich Witt (c._1660–1717) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1152 Woodcock Robert Woodcock (c._1690_–_1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1153 Woodson Leonard Woodson (1565–1641) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1154 Woulmyer Jean-Baptiste Woulmyer (1670–1728) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1155 XIII Louis XIII (1601–1643) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1156 Youll Henry Youll (1580/1590–?) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1157 Young William Young (c._1610–1662) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1158 Younger Mateo Flecha the Younger (1530–1604) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1159 younger Alfonso Ferrabosco the younger (c._1575–1628) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1160 younger John Hilton the younger (c._1599–1657) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1161 Zach Jan Zach (1699–1773) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1162 Zachow Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow (1663–1712) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1163 Zamboni Giovanni Zamboni (later_17th_century–after_1718) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1164 Zanatta Domenico Zanatta (c._1665–1748) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1165 Zani Andrea Zani (1696–1757) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
1166 Zelenka Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679–1745) wiki google amazon youtube ISMLP
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