Leclair: Complete Flute Sonatas / Barthold Kuijken

Leclair: Complete Flute Sonatas / Barthold Kuijken
Jean-Marie Leclair was a French violinist and composer. He went to Italy as a child to study with Corelli. In 1723 he went to Paris to participate in the “Concert Spirituel” with Michel Blavet and others. He composed many violin concertos, violin sonatas, trio sonatas, duets, etc. Some of his violin sonatas can be played on the flute. They are performed in their entirety by Barthold Kuijken on this CD. Although Leclair was a French musician, he composed in the Italian style like Michel Blavet. In his later years, he lived in a favela and met a tragic end when he was stabbed to death by someone. #baroque #leclair #片山俊幸