Chorale cantata on a hymn by Martin Rinckart. The score and tenor part music sheet of this cantata have been lost, so Harnoncourt uses the restored score by Bernhard Todt. The chorale fantasy “Nun danket alle Gott” is for two flutes, two oboes, string ensemble and basso continuo. After the ritornello, before the chorale melody appears, there is an imitative introduction beginning with the tenor. This is followed by the duet aria “Der ewig reiche Gott”. The soprano and bass sing the imitative melody to the accompaniment of violin I and string ensemble, reinforced by flute and oboe. A touching aria with a ritornello with a general pause on the second beat, intertwined with the gentle melody sung by the soprano and bass. The last movement is the chorale “Lob, Ehr und Preis sei Gott”, a joyful ritornello with a gigue rhythm. The soprano sings the cantus firmus, and the other voices sing free counter melodies with a gigue rhythm. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸