The opening chorus, “Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz” is a fugue with lyrics from the Psalms, a gentle, flowing piece in 12/8 time, for corno (horn), oboe, oboe d’amore, strings and basso continuo. The corno plays a spectacular solo. The tenor recitative was followed by the alto aria “Es kömmt ein Tag” a very beautiful piece with an attractive ritornello played by the oboe on the bass walking bass. After turning into a 12/8 time presto in the second half, the piece returns to its initial tempo to finish. Following the bass recitative, the bass and tenor duet aria “Uns treffen zwar der Sünden Flecken”. After a unison ritornello by the violins, the tenor and bass sing a impressive melody which includes the long melisma. It’s a very beautiful piece. The cantata ends with the chorale “Dein Blut, der edle Saft”. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸