This is a parody of the Cantata BWV 134a “Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht” from the Köthen period, a work for Easter. The piece begins with a recitative by an alto and a tenor, followed by a tenor aria “Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht”. The tenor aria “Auf, Gläubige, singet die lieblichen Lieder” is sung with a fanfare-like ritornello played by two oboes and a string ensemble. Following the recitative by the alto and tenor, the duet aria “Wir danken und preisen dein brünstiges Lieben” is sung joyfully by the alto and tenor, accompanied by the string ensemble. In Ritornello, the first violin consistently plays 16th-note dispersed chords, and the vocal soloists sing mainly in parallel sixth and third degrees. Following the recitative by the alto and tenor again, the final chorus, “Erschallet, ihr Himmel, erfreuet dich, Erde” is sung lively with the whole ensemble, sometimes with the whole chorus, sometimes with two solo voices each, to end the cantata. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸