The piece begins with the alto aria “Ein ungefärbt Gemüte”. It is accompanied by violins I and II and viola in unison. The opening motive is used for both solo and basso continuo. The tenor recitative and arioso is followed by the chorus “Alles nun, das ihr wollet” accompanied by strings, clarino (horn on the CD) and two oboes. Neither the melody nor the lyrics are those of the chorale. The first half is a dialogue between the instrumental and vocal sections, and the second half is a fugue, which start with the solos at the beginning, next by the chorus. Following the bass recitative and arioso, the tenor aria “Treu und Wahrheit sei der Grund” is sung by two oboes d’amore in obbligato. Only the first long instrumental part is repeated again at the end. At the end the cantata’s only chorale movement, “O Gott, du frommer Gott” is sung in full orchestration. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸