Bach: Cantata No. 7 “Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam” / Gustav Leonhardt

Bach: Cantata No. 7 “Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam” / Gustav Leonhardt
The entire piece is based on a hymn by Martin Luther. It was written in Leipzig for the feast of John the Baptist. The first piece, “Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam,” is a chorale fantasy that opens with a striking dispersed chord in the bass clef, and a striking dotted-note melody with two oboes d’amore and solo violin, sometimes in the upper voices, sometimes in the bass clef, repeatedly appearing and Sometimes in the upper voices, sometimes in the bass clef, and sometimes in the bass clef, it repeatedly appears and changes variously. In this movement the syncopated melody of the first oboe d’amore is an important element. And the chorale melody is left to the tenor, while the other voices sing free melodies. The second piece is a da capo aria of bass “Merkt und hört, ihr Menschenkinder” with melodic basso continuo accompaniment. The tenor recitative is followed by the tenor aria “Des Vaters Stimme ließ sich hören” with two solo violin obbligato. Following the bass recitative with string accompaniment, the alto aria “Menschen, glaubt doch dieser Gnade” is accompanied by oboe d’amore and violin in unison with viola and basso continuo. The piece concludes with the chorale “Das Aug allein das Wasser sieht”. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸