French Chamber Music of the 18th Century / Hotteterre Ensemble
This is their debut album. I remember the moment I first dropped the needle on the record, I felt a shiver run through my body. Their ensemble was controlled to perfection. When I think about it now, I feel that they were the first to use wind instrument unison as a means of expression proactive. Unfortunately, they were also a short-lived ensemble. They released only one more album after this album, a collection of Telemann’s music on the Alchiv label, and then effectively disbanded. Since then, each member has been active as a soloist, and the group has not played together again. Two of the group members have passed away, and only Masahiro Arita, Chiyoko Arita, and Kazuo Hanaoka are still active today. #baroque #couperin #hotteterre #片山俊幸