This is a chorale cantata based on a hymn by Bartholomäus Ringwaldt. The first chorale fantasy, “Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut” features an impressive sighing pattern by the two oboes, with the first violin playing 16th-note obbligato throughout. In the alto aria “Erbarm dich mein in solcher Last”, the chorale melody is sung with the unison violins in obbligato. Like the Schübler Chorale, this piece is also often played on both hands and foot keys of the organ. This is followed by the bass aria “Fürwahr, wenn mir das kömmet ein” sung by two oboes d’amore in obbligato. It is often pointed out that this aria is very similar to the aria “Et in Spiritum sanctum” from the Mass in B minor in terms of tonality, instrumentation, and even its melody. The long bass coloratura can be heard in this piece. The chorale and recitative “Jedoch dein heilsam Wort, das macht” is written in the manner often used by Bach, in which the chorale melody and recitative change several times. The tenor aria “Jesus nimmt die Sünder an” is a truly joyful obbligato by Flauto Traverso. Frans Brüggen’s traverso is excellent. Following the tenor’s intense recitative accompagniato, the duet aria “Ach Herr, mein Gott, vergib mirs doch” is in a manner of canon intertwining of soprano and alto. A striking piece with several long melismas in the middle of the piece. The cantata closes with the chorale “Stärk mich mit deinem Freudengeist”. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸