John Dowland Songbooks / The Consort of Music (Anthony Rooley)
I love Dowland. When I feel depressed or want to die, listening to Dowland somehow cheers me up. A long time ago, there was a concert of the Consort of Music at Ishibashi Memorial Hall for four consecutive days. The members were Anthony Rooley, Emma Kirkby, Evelyn Tubb and Mary Nichols. Somehow, I and some of my friends ended up attending the after-party of their concert. It was at a tempura restaurant in Ueno. Ms. Kirkby was not able to attend due to health problems, but two American women dined with us. Both ladies were very energetic and serviceable. They sang Foster’s “O Susanna” for us. If there had been a banjo there, Mr. Rooley would have played it too. #dowland #片山俊幸