Michel Lambert: Air de cour / Agnès Mellon, William Christie, and others
Lambert was a singer, composer, ballet dancer, and theorbo player at the court of Louis XIV. His works are the published several volumes of “Air de cour”s, and “Leçons de Ténèbres” in manuscript. His son-in-law, Jean-Baptiste Lully, died in 1687 accidentaly. But after Lully’s death, Lambert remained active at the court untill 1996, death of his own. This CD featureing French taste “Air de cour”s in various orchestrations is one of my favorites. #baroque #lambert #片山俊幸
Agnès Mellon (soprano)
Jill Feldman (soprano)
Guillemette Laurens (Mezzo-soprano)
Dominique Visse (Countertenor)
Michel Laplénie (tenor)
Etienne Lestringant (tenor)
Philippe Cantor (Baritone)
Antoine Sicot (Bass)