Bach: Cantata No. 214 “Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten!” / Masaaki Suzuki, Bach Collegium Japan

Bach: Cantata No. 214 “Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten!” / Masaaki Suzuki, Bach Collegium Japan
A secular cantata composed in 1733 for the birthday of Maria Joseph, Queen of Elector of Saxony and Poland. The opening choral piece “Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten!” is rather wellknown as the first piece of the “Christmas Oratorio.” This piece, which truly evokes the atmosphere of Christmas, is a good example of Bach’s skillful parody technique. It begins with a series of timpani strikes, followed by trills from the flute and oboe, and continues with a motif that sounds like music raining from the heavens. Bach reused a total of three movements, including this piece, in six cantatas for Christmas in 1734 (Christmas Oratorio). The tenor recitative is followed by the soprano aria “Blast die wohlgegriffnen Flöten” sung with an obbligato for two flutes. The light melody and the basso continuo with pizzicato are a delightful piece. The soprano recitative is followed by the alto aria “Fromme Musen! meine Glieder!” sung with an obbligato for two oboes d’amore in unison (played with one oboe d’amore in Suzuki’s recording). This piece is also used in the Christmas Oratorio. The alto recitative accompaniment is followed by the bass aria “Kron und Preis gekrönter Damen” sung with an accompaniment for trumpets and strings. This piece is also used in the Christmas Oratorio. A final recitative is sung to woodwind accompaniment and the cantata closes with the choral piece “Blühet, ihr Linden in Sachsen, wie Zedern”. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸