Bach: Cantata No. 190 “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied” / Masaaki Suzuki, Bach Collegium Japan

Bach: Cantata No. 190 “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied” / Masaaki Suzuki, Bach Collegium Japan

A cantata for the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ. Only the four choral parts (including the German “Te Deum”) and the violins parts I and II remain of the first choral piece “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied”. The other parts (3 trumpets, timpani, 3 oboes, viola and basso continuo) have been restored by Suzuki. After a homophonic development, it ends with a fugue. The piece has a celebratory arrangement modeled after the Catholic “Te Deum”. In the second movement, recitatives follow in the order of bass, tenor and alto, alternating with “Herr Gott, dich loben wir” from the “Te Deum” with German lyrics composed by Luther. This piece has also been restored. No brass, woodwind or timpani are used. The following alto aria “Lobe, Zion, deinen Gott” is accompanied by strings and basso continuo, and the alto follows a bright ritornello. After the bass recitative, the duet aria “Jesus soll mein alles sein” is sung by the tenor and bass with an obbligato for the oboe d’amore. It is a heartwarming aria in which the three upper voices intertwine equally with a very gentle melody. After the tenor recitative accompaniment, the chorale “Laß uns das Jahr vollbringen” is sung by the full orchestra, and the cantata closes. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸