The first aria, “Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister” is sung by the bass, accompanied by strings, flute, and oboe. The bass takes over Ritornello’s melody, but the opening motive dominates almost the entire piece. The alto recitative and arioso are followed by the tenor aria “Der schädlichen Dornen unendliche Zahl”. The obligato part of this aria seems to be missing, and Leonhardt tries to restore it on the organ in the recording. Incidentally, in Masaaki Suzuki’s recording, the obbligato is restore on the violin. Following the soprano recitative, the cantata closes with the chorus “Laß, Höchster, uns zu allen Zeiten” sung by trumpet, flute, oboe, and string ensemble. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸
Bach: Cantata No. 181 “Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister” / Gustav Leonhardt
- 2025年1月30日
- 2025年1月30日
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- #bach, #cantata, #片山俊幸, バロック
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Bach: Cantata No. 181 “Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister” / Gustav Leonhardt