Bach: Cantata No. 57 “Selig ist der Mann” / Nikolaus Harnoncourt

Bach: Cantata No. 57 “Selig ist der Mann” / Nikolaus Harnoncourt
Peter Jelosits of the “Wiener Sangerknaben” sings the soprano solo. The entire cantata is a conversation between Jesus (bass) and the soul (soprano), the script is by Georg Christian Lehms, and the recitative is entirely “secco”. The first piece is the bass aria “Selig ist der Mann” accompanied by string orchestra and the two oboes in unison with the first and second violins. Following the soprano recitative, the soprano aria “Ich wünschte mir den Tod, den Tod” is accompanied by the string ensemble. Following the recitative of the dialogue between bass and soprano, the fifth piece is the aria “Ja, ja, ich kann die Feinde schlagen” by the bass, also with string accompaniment. Following a recitative of dialogue between bass and soprano, the seventh piece is the soprano aria “Ich ende behende mein irdisches Leben” with obbligato violins. The final piece is the chorale “Richte dich, Liebste, nach meinem Gefallen und gläube,” sunged by the “Tölzer Knabenchor”. All chorales and arias in this cantata are written in three time signatures. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸