Handel / Julia Lezhneva

Handel / Julia Lezhneva
A young Russian singer, Julia Lezhneva, has been remarkably active in recent years. This CD of arias from Handel’s operas and oratorios is a recording that captures her essence. For example, the long tone (five and a half bars) of the aria “Per dar pregio” from the opera “Rodrigo” , the emotional expression of “Lascia la spina cogli la rosa,” which is another version of the well-known aria “Lascia ch’io pianga” from the opera “Rinaldo” etc. The album is full of highlights. These arias are sung with complete restraint and controlled dynamism. And also accompanied by Il Giardino Armonico under the direction of Giovanni Antonini, make this a CD worth listening to. The violin obbligato played by Dmitry Sinkovsky is also excellent. #baroque #handel #Lezhneva #片山俊幸