


ChatGPT;フレドリック・ブラウンの作品はちょっと得意だから、選ぶのは難しいね。でも、「The Last Martian」はおすすめだよ。異星人とのコミュニケーションがテーマで、サクッと読めて、意外な結末が面白いよ。喜んでもらえるといいな!




Me; ChatGPT, what would you recommend for a Fredric Brown short science fiction?

ChatGPT; I’m a bit good at Fredric Brown’s work, so it’s hard to choose. But I would recommend “The Last Martian”. It’s about communicating with aliens, it’s a quick read, and the surprising ending is interesting. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Me; When all the computers in the world are integrated and supercomputers are realized, people ask to it , “Does God exist?” and the computer answered, “Now is the time God exists” ,wasn’t there a piece like that?

ChatGPT; That’s Fredric Brown’s “answer”. In the story, a giant computer answers, “God exists” and this has profound consequences for humanity. It is a long novel, but it is interesting because it contains deep philosophical questions.






The Answer by Fredric Brown (Angels and Spaceships, 1954) opens with a scientist called Dwar Ev completing a connection and then moving towards a switch:

The switch that would connect, all at once, all of the monster computing machines of all the populated planets in the universe—ninety-six billion planets—into the supercircuit that would connect them all into one super-calculator, one cybernetics machine that would combine all the knowledge of all the galaxies. p. 36

Ev then asks the super-computer if there is a God, and it replies (spoiler), “Yes, now there is a God”. Then, when Ev rushes towards the switch to turn the computer off, it zaps him with a lightning bolt.
This is one of these squibs (it is less than a page long) that you find (a) pretty neat when you are twelve, but (b) a not very good gimmick story when older. The real sense of wonder here lies in the idea of ninety-six billion inhabited and interconnected planets.