The first piece is the bass aria “Wo gehest du hin”. “Wo gehest du hin, Wo Hin, Wo gehest du hin…” This is the only words of Christ that are repeated, but the staccato accompaniment of oboe and strings is very impressive. Max Van Egmond’s tone is wonderful. The tenor aria “Ich will an den Himmel denken”. What a charming piece of music this is, too. It begins with a sweet oboe melody reminiscent of Handel’s Trio Sonata. In this movement, Leonhardt restored and added another missing instrumental part for violin. The chorale “Ich bitte dich, Herr Jesu Christ” is for soprano with unison of the strings in obbligato. Following the bass recitative, the alto aria “Man nehme sich in acht” is sung with the accompaniment of the strings and a oboe (unison with the first violin). The sixteenth note in the second measure is the “laughing note pattern” which dominates the entire piece. A long melisma in the middle of the piece is sung by this note pattern. The cantata ends solemnly with the chorale “Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende”. #baroque #bach #cantata #片山俊幸